• The Relevance Of Human Resource In Today's Business Environment

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      Modern human resources management as we know it today is of recent origin. It has emerged from a relatively obscure and insignificant position in the early decades of this century to a position of relevance and significance within the purview or scope of management not only in Nigeria but in the world over.
      In the pre-independent Nigeria for example, activities like production and marketing were the primary concern of management. The management of human resources was generally treated as part of general management of personnel or human resources was generally treated as part of general management or administration and was usually fully entrusted to more important and pressing issues.
      For many years, the concern of management was for technical values not human values nor the welfare of the employees. Workers were considered little more than machines and were considered less worthy of attention because the machines were more expensive to replace. No slight thought was given to the welfare or the development of a human organization.
      The development and practice of personnel management as a  profession in Nigeria has been substantially influenced by host of factors that were world wide in nature. These include the advent of Europeans, scientific management movement, development within universities and the rise of organized labour unions and professional bodies. Human resource management covers a wide variety of activities. The basic ones include:
      Staffing recruitment, selection and placement
      Training and development: Determining training needs, selection of people for training course
      Wages and salaries administration.
      Employee welfare
      Performance appraisal
      Labour relations
      If the human resource which is a very vital factor of production in any organization is not well taken care of, all the functions above will be ineffectively carried out.
      The most effective human resource management that leads to profit in an organization’s efficiency requires senior management support, not only with fund but also with psychological support. Once this is done, it will lead to co-operation between staff and management which will in turn lead to better service and high productivity in the organization.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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