• Impact Of Industrial Conflict Management On Employees Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      The Trade union decree of 1973 was enacted due to frequent re-occurrence of individual conflict at the work place and how it affects the performance of employees and management. The inability to deal with conflict at the workplace can result in huge loss of productivity and affect the individuals and groups involve in the conflict emotionally, which may lead to discrimination, unfair treatment, and inability to ask what one need among others. Conflict has got enormous attention of researchers in the last few decades because it becomes global threat to every organization. Conflict is an unpleasant fact in any organization as long as people compete for jobs, resources, power, recognition and security.
      Conflict is one factor that contributed to waste of energy and employees capabilities. Since people normally possess different traits and characteristics, lack of conflict may indicate lack of meaningful interaction. However, conflicts are found in all organizations but it may be weak, strong, silent, outstanding or indistinctive. Researches also suggest that 20% of manager’s time is spent for resolving organizational conflict or its aftermath.
      It has been observed that one of the factors of conflict in the organization is the gap in the bargaining power of the employees and their employers, so therefore, many questions pertaining to how can collective bargaining improve employees performance need to be asked. Also, arbitration and joint consultation as factors that can be used to manage conflict needs to be analyzed to see if they have impact on employees’ performance at the work place.
      The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of industrial conflict management on employees’ performance. However, the specific objectives are:
      To determine the effect of collective bargaining as an aspect of conflict management on employees performance.
      To ascertain the effect of arbitration on employees performance at the work place.
      To determine if joint consultation as an aspect of conflict management will have impact on employees performance.
      To determine how improved employees performance affect employees commitment at the work place.
      1. What is the effect of collective bargaining on employees’ performance?
      2. What effect does arbitration have on employees’ performance?
      3. What is the impact of joint consultation on employees’ performance?
      4. Does improved employees performance have an effect on employee’s commitment toward work?
      Ho1: There is no significant relationship between collective bargaining and employees’ performance.
      Ho2:   There is no significant relationship between arbitration and employees performance.
      Ho3:   There is no significant relationship between improved employees performance and employees commitment toward work.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study was conducted to determine the impact of industrial conflict management on employees’ performance amongst civil servants at the Ministry of Economic Planning in Asaba, Delta State. The sources of data that constituted this research work were primary and secondary data. A structured likert scale questionnaire was the instrument adopted to generate data. Simple percentage statistical tool was used. Coefficient correlation and regression data analysis were used to test hypothesis. ... Continue reading---