• The Impact Of Internal Control System On The Effective Management In Government Ministries

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      The research is intended to investigate the impact of internal control system in the circumstances of embezzlement and fraud detection in the ministry of finance.
      Therefore the data to be collected in this exercise will be used to test the following hypothesis.
      H1: Effective internal control system can help to prevent and detection of fraud in the finance ministries.
      H0: That effective internal control system may not help to prevent and
      Research is poised to confirm true or otherwise, to achieve this purpose the research has formulated the above hypothesis. That the general financial management and control system as regard revenue and expenditure is effective, efficient and technical. Also the general financial management and control system as related to the public opinion is inadequate, ineffective, and this lacks improvement in its operation achievements which will hinder general development.
       detect fraud in the ministry of finance.
      The importance of the study is not related to the general public wishing to known that improvement would be made of the system where there are loop holes. It also seeks to identify problems associated with the general financial management and control system in order to help in harmonizing relationship of the inadequate financial resources with the general development. It will help in planning, controlling, modeling analyzing and decision making.
      The internal audit unit is the most integral part of the internal control system in the organization. Therefore, there is need for proper organization of the internal and audit system. This research work will give a prospective view as to how the internal audit could be organized in order to keep the activities in order.
      This study will also be of help to the ministry and other related organizations as to show errors and frauds and other irregularities could be easy or easily detected and prevented. It is a strong feature of any successful business. An organization could be easily detected and prevented. It is a strong feature of any successful business. An organization with in effective internal control system will find it very difficult to protect and properly manage its funds.
      This study work is to look into the relationship at the public with the financial management control system of the ministry being administered. The subject of financial management is external or extremely broad and complex, the deficiency of the field is compounded by the fact that it can be approached in a variety of ways i.e. descriptive, theoretical, analytical or appreciative; for the purpose of this project these areas may not be correct completely. A situation helps greatly in the success of the study, so this study is being under light and hard financial situation.
      Thus, the study encountered obstacles which militated its scope such as:
      -        This study would require a longer period of time than the time allowed for the study.
      -        Also the financial situation will make it hard to meet up with the traveling fees to where vital information is forgotten.
      -        Also there will be lack of cooperation from the public and staff concerned. People will deliberately refuse to give out required information out of ignorance and fear of revealing the secret of the cheque as pertaining financial data.
      The study being subjected to various newsletters, journal, public broadcasting etc where vital information is likely to be obtained i.e. in this present democratic system of government.
      Accessibility to data: the research could not have access to all the needed data from the organization classified, confidential secret etc. this hindered collecting of adequate information for the preservation of future data. The books available are outdated and as such one is forced to rely on external sources for the purpose of research. This caused a delay in the work of this.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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