• The Impact Of Internal Control System On The Effective Management In Government Ministries

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      The historical record of the ministry of finance, Kaduna dated back to the time of Northern Nigeria Region government with the headquarters in Kaduna. When in 1967 the General Yakubu Gowon Administration created 12 states in the country, the ministry became the North central states ministry of finance.
      In 1976, the state was renamed Kaduna State without any change in status and thus the ministry came to be known as the ministry of Finance Kaduna. The creation of Katsina state out of the distinct Kaduna state in 1987 brought about a change in status of the state but the ministry remained as the Kaduna state ministry of finance.
      The Kaduna state ministry of finance is saddled with the responsibilities, which concern aspect of finances which include, among others, the following:
      1.       Custody and maintenance of records of public funds.
      2.       Disbursement of funds from the consolidated revenues and other public funds.
      3.       Maintenance of records and preparation of annual accounts of the state government.
      4.       Control of the state treasury
      5.       Public debt servicing and repayment
      6.       Handles matters relating to losses of funds and stores.
      7.       Supervising ministry as far as issue of finance is concerned in the state.
      8.       Maintenance of government vehicles register and serve as centre for central stores purchases.
      9.       Board of survey and enquires (including disposal of boarded vehicles, equipment and stores).
      10.     Stores administration and management
      11.     Review of financial instructions, stores regulation and their enforcement.
      12.     Control and deployment of accounting and stores staff including recruitment and training programmed.
      13.     Maintenance of relationship with other state governments and financial institutions.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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