• Effect Of Physical Working Environment On Organizational Performance In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The growing concern of modern firms lies in the attainment of Organizational performance. Organisational performances constitute the   actual results achieved by a firm when compared to its original aims and objectives. Most firms focus their organizational performance objective on specific results as product performance, financial performance and shareholder returns. Richard et al. (2009) .However the attainment of this specific aims and objective is critically influenced by the physical working environment in which the organizational personnel operates or carry out their daily functions. Consequently in view of the rapid development in the business environment which has led to modernization, and technological advancement in all sphere of economic and social activities, it is no longer visible to achieve organizational performance without giving consideration to the environment in which the employees operate in executing the fundamental duties of the organisation.Therefore the performance of the worker are affected by the working environment. This implies that good working physical environment facilitate the attainment of high employee productivity and thereby resulting in high organizational performance. The physical environment consists of tangible and intangible factors existing in the physical location where the worker operates to execute the fundamental duties of the organization. This include   the tangible workplace offices or location, working conditions  as good ventilation, airconditioning,safety and security, good office layout, technological facility as internet  system, telephone, office equipment’s , workplace policies and procedures, design and construction of the workplace etc.
      A good number of studies involving employee physical work environment indicates that there is a relationship between physical work environment and employee  job satisfaction and productivity .This implies that physical work environment contribute positively to workers performance and organizational productivity such work conditions as  lighting, ventilation rates, access to natural light and acoustic environment (Humphries, 2005; Veitch, Charles, Newsham, Marquardt & Geerts, 2004; Karasek & Theorell, 1990).
      The research therefore seeks to appraise the effect of physical work place environment on organizational performance.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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