• The Effect Of Work Environment On Employee Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                The aim of this study is to investigate and identify the effect of work environment in Delta Line, ascertaining whether inadequacy of the various conditional factors can affect productivity of employee. It is also geared toward ascertaining whether the nature of work environment lead to low productivity, absenteeism and lateness among employees.
                Moreover, to investigate the level of productivity of workers under healthy environment. It is also to suggest strategies for enhancing the productivity of workers in the company. Hence the objective of Delta Line is as follows;
      1.       To create job opportunity for Deltans and to train technicians in the field of motor vehicle mechanic, welding, electrical work, pain ting and driving
      2.       To provide a reliable and affordable transportation for Deltans in particular and Nigeria in general.
      3.       Enlarge the revenue bas of the state by operating a profit oriented limited liability company.
                Management of the company has repositioned the company on the path of productivity and to serve our commuters better it has embarked on a major policy decision that brought life to its operation.
      1.4     RESEARCH QUESTION    
                In the study, the following were examined with a view of finding answers that will benefit the organization.
      1.       What are the effects of work place environment?
      2.       How does the effect of bad environment affect the performance of workers?
      3.       How does poor working environment  affect the workers morale?
      4.       What are those factors that enhance productivity?
      5.       How does customs and laws reduces workers morale?
       The research statement of the following hypotheses have been developed
      Hi:     A conducive work environment has positive effect on employees productivity
      Ho:    A conducive work environment has no positive effect on employee’s productivity.
      Hi:     Provision of good environment is deemed to be the most potent among workers to enhance productivity.
      Ho:    Provision of good environment does not deemed to be the most potent among workers to enhance productivity.
      Hi:     Custom and laws encourages workers morale.
      Ho:    Customers and laws does not encourages workers morale.
      Hi:     The nature of work environment has positive effect on workers productivity
      Ho:    The nature of work environment has no positive effect on workers productivity.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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