• The Effect Of Work Environment On Employee Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.6     SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      This research work centers on those who are employed by organization  to work  for it. In other words, the study is X-raying all the workers in Delta Transport Service (Delta Line) as a special regard which is the research study and it covers the permanent site of all company known as mega workshop and administrative site, its loading bay in Asaba town and other substation  outside the town such as Onitsha, Oleh, Agbor., Lagos Warri, Jos etc and it cuts across all categories  of workers  in this company ranging from managers, drivers, clerks and others. This area will assist the researcher to carry out a thorough research and analysis in other to really ascertain the effect of work environment on the productivity  of  workers or employee.
      Many people in an organization try to attain a higher level safety or job security in their place of work. And this study when completed should be of immense help to different organization and individuals. It will help to highlight the effect of work  environment  on the productivity of  employees  in  Delta Line , so  that the management will look into the problems  with a view to make an improvement  on its  environment. It will enable the management to create a minimum standard of good working environment for workers to achieve optimum productivity. The study is intended to highlight management to create monetary incentive alone cannot motivate employees to better productivity without the provision of good environment under which they operate. Moreover, it will assist to uphold or testify the idea that good environment is very important and indispensable to growing needs of workers. It will also be beneficial to prospective students who will need some information contained in this work to guide their own research work which is  related  to the present study.
      A general setback  to most  research works are: office facilities, human resources and job security are the major constraints expected to limit the extend of a study of this type, since observation interviews and questionnaire shall be constitute, the basic data gathering. The  methods shall have projected effects on perfectness of this research, not withstanding, the researcher  shall do a detail work on the subject which would ensure attainment  of the objective upon which this research work was originally provided.
      Definition of terms is to be specifically, understand for clarity and easy understanding of applied meaning of such terms as used in the context of this research work taking into cognizance the prevailing circumstance.
      a.       Loading Bay: This are loading and unloading point for vehicles  (http://wiki openttd.org)
      b.       Environment: The surroundings in which a person, animals or plant lives (Derek 1997
      c.       Morale: this is the capacity of a group’s member to maintain belief in an institution or goal particularly in the fall of opposition or hardship. Morale is often referenced by authority as a generic value judgment of the will power, obedience, and self discipline of a group tasked with performing duties assigned by a superior. According to Alexander H.  Leighton , ‘ Morale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common purpose
      d.       Job Security: This is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job; it has been found that people have more job security in times of expansion and less in time of recession.  Also some laws (such as the Rights Acts 1964)
      e.       Productivity:  Is a measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it (inputs.). Productivity is defined as a total output per unit of an input. These definitions are short but too general and insufficient to make the phenomenon productivity understandable a more detailed theory of productivity is needed, which defines and explains the phenomenon, productivity and makes it comprehensible in order to obtain a measurable form of productivity. The efficiency with which things are produced
      f.       Prospective:  Literally means “looking forward” it can also be refer to an event that is likely or expected to happen in the future.
      1.10   SUMMARY
                The effect of work environment on the employees productivity is deem necessary  for the productivity increment  and high moral to work. The work environment has a far reaching effect on the morale of workers, but receive very little research attention specifically, this study is geared towards examining the various conditional factors of work environment ascertaining whether inadequacy of each of the various conditional factors can affect the productivity of workers. Base on the conclusion, work environment is improved such as neat ness, noiseless, proper arranged and ventilated environment.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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