• The Effect Of Communication On Employee Perception Of Change In An Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      Background to the Study
      The growing globalization of business and increasing competition and technological advancement has led to an increasing need to change organizational polices and strategies (Hampel and Martinsons, 2009). The pace of challenges is increasing and thus organizational change is considered unavoidable (Drucker, 1999).
      Organizational change is the continuous process of aligning an organization with its market place and doing it more responsively and effectively than competitors. Thus, organizational change management is a continuous process of experiment and adaptation aimed at matching organizational capabilities to the needs and dictates of a dynamic business environment Rogers (1995).
      As such, in a highly competitive environment, organizational change becomes indispensable for greater success and excellence. This is due to the dynamism of the internal and external business environment. But inspite of the importance of change management to organization success, employees in most organization resist change, sequel to wrong perception and their in ability to adapt to new development and shifting from their current point. As such, organizational scholars have long acknowledge the importance of communication strategy in explanation of organizational change in order to clearly communicate in advance, the short and long term effect as well as the benefits and short comings of such change management. This is in order to avoid potential loss that could arise from cynicism in certain group of employees and consequently change resistance Langham (1996).
      In organization, most problems and challenges are generated by competition, advance technology, mergers, expansion, product quality maintenance, or enhancing employee efficiency on the one hand and rapid growth, new business venture, exciting opportunities, innovation, and new leadership and management approaches on the other (Madsen et al, 2005). To overcome these challenges, organizations are often under pressure for survival and stay competitive in future. In such adverse environment, employee attitude and behavior to accept organizational change is considered important for management and change agents for successful organizational change. This is sequel to the way in which most employee resist change from the onset,
      Hence the need to use communication to inform and educate employee on such organizational change before it commences.
      It is against this background that the researcher sees the subject matter “The effect of communication on employee’s perception to change in an organization†worthy of being investigated through this survey.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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