• Management Of Employee Welfare With Emphasis On Industrial Accidents And Safety

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      In this age global economic diversification from the agricultural sector to the manufacturing sector or what we would call the industrial revolution there is no doubt that there is an  increase in the number of industrial springing up in most of our metropolitan cities
      To manyNigeriathis is of great benefit in terms of employment increase in production and promotion of economic growth.  However development becomes a source of sorrows to many house holds industrial hazards in these companies have been inevitable.  Inspite of several years of effort by the federal government to find ways of educing accidents, it still remain a serious problem “worldwide trends shows that while these has been significant reduction in total accidents in the past 15years injuries have increased not only in absolute numbers but also in rates per exposed workers.   Judging from   data of 14 industrialized countries the total number of injured people seems to be increasing yearly by 5%.
      Here inNigeriait can be rightly said that in the first quarter of 1990 three were about 720 industrial accident casualties. These  figures are quite alarming and close to N100.000.00 was spent for that three  months   only.
      For the injured their families can’t be fully compensated for the loss; some are incapacitated for life and therefore can’t regain health and strength.  A part from that human suffering linked with accident cannot be over emphasized.  More so there is lot of time lost by other employee who stop work in sympathy of their injured colleagues  cost of time lost by supervisor in investigating the real cause of the accident and reporting to employers remember the saying “time lost can never be regained”
      Additional losses include lost to employer through  employee welfare and benefit system and also cost due to be loss of profit on the injured workers.
      On might be prompted to ask what really is accident well “accident has bee seen by various cadres of professionals and laymen and has been interpreted to mean unforeseen happening an unexpected occurrence which produces hurt or  loss of life.
      They do not just happen rather they are caused and at last majority of them are preventable be use of safely devices and proper working system. It is in the light of this that federal government has enacted different safety laws that would play preventive roles in reducing the rate of industrial accident.
      They include:
      Work man compensation ct of 1942
      Environment safety law (e.g. of heating and  lighting)
      total accident act of 1961
      health and safety at work act of 1974
      Nigeriafactory act of 1961 etc.
      The question is of which extent has these government laws reduced the rate of industrial accidents?
      There are still a lot of hazard in or manufacturing companies general.  J.W Boley outline that accident are caused by employee’s errors supervisor error and management  error and of course machine error. This view is supported many experts.  From what been said if proper steps are not taken to identify and forestall the cause of these hazards and prevent adequate and workable safety laws there is the tendency that the rate of fatal accidents in our manufacturing concerns would continue to be on the increase.  Thus this research work would attempt to bring out the actual causes of accidents and the frequency of occurrence.  However slight reference will be made on the legal implication of these activities.   

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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