• The Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      This research work was intended to cover the effects of human resources development on organizational growth with the industrial training fund, Enugu Area office as a case study. Various attempts were made to covert the historical background of industrial training fund, the purpose of establishing it, the problems and prospects thereof. The study includes the functions, sources of fund objectives, grants, and reimbursement scheme of industrial training fund inter-alia.


      In order to elicit information from respondents, the following respondents, the following research questions were generated.

      (i) What  are the employers/employers relationship in attainment of organizational growth.

      (ii) In which areas of industrial training fund (ITF) training activities do you think human resources development programme has improved.

      (iii) What are the factors responsible for the poor performance of the business organization?

      (iv) What are the importance of human resources in a business organization.


      Webster New International dictionary defines (Hypothesis as a basic for reasoning a supposition formulated from proved data and presented as a temporary explanation of occurrence, as in science in order to establish a basis for further research. The purpose of hypothesis therefore is to enable one make inference about something.

      In a continued effort to reach an appreciable equilibrium in the effects of human resources development on organizational growth, the researcher employed a selected  statistical tools to enable us reach a fair conclusion.

      In the light of the above therefore, the following major hypothesis have been formulated. Hypothesis may be said to mean a tentative statement made by a research (subject to tests) with a view to forming basis to study a phenomenon,  researcher situational dentition.

      These hypothesis when tested can confirm or refute the extent at which these advanced statement can be upheld. It can equally place the researcher on the solid ground of drawing his conclusions and subsequent recommendation.

      In order to determine the effectiveness of the effects of human resources development. On organizational growth, it is necessary to list the hypothesis below.

      Null hypothesis Ho: human resources development does not affects organization growth.

      Alternative hypothesis Hi: Human resources development affects organizational growth.

      Null hypothesis Ho: Human resources development is not most important sub-system on organizational growth.


      Generally speaking, the effectiveness of any organization irrespective of its nature, is measured by one significant and objective criterion, namely the quality of its product in services is to a large extent a function of the caliber of human resources or man power component of the organizations production resources.

      This research work is significant to both the management (employers) and the labour (employees).  Secondly a close look at the work carried out will reveal a significant effect of human resources development on the organizational growth. Moreso, the research work will serve the role of shaping the organizational policies on human resources (personnel) for the overall attainment of the set objectives. It is only when the human resources is adequately qualified for the job to be performed that we can hope that the material resources in put can be effectively allocated and usefully utilized in the most optimum manner. If personnel administration is to be successful, management must give it sincere support in order to sustain  organizational growth.  The practical relevance of this study lives in the fact that no organization can achieve its set objectives without competent employees. Hence the issue of training and development becomes a central pre-occupation of any organization out to achieve and sustain efficient operation.

      In essence, this study is likely to be of immense value not only to industrial training fund (ITF) but also to all organizations irrespective of size, background and activity.  Also the result of this study will hopefully sharpen the ground of the problems besetting human resources development in organization and leading to a more effective grip of the importance of well-developed manpower programme.


      Analyzing the efficient human resources development an organizational growth is not a shallow topic to be  handled haphazardly, it is not only technical also sensitive and broad. For the purpose of this project, it is restricted to the business concern.  Also for want of time resources, industrial training fund (ITF) Enugu Area office is sampled out as a base for the research work, so many factors are deemed to militate against quicker and easier completion of the work. These include among others.

      COST: Inadequate fund may stunt this work beyond our taste, lack of fund may also affect not only the period of the research but also its quality. To exalt everything about analyzing  the effects of human resources development on the organizational growth and come out of legacy for the posterity one need to travel far and near.

      TIME: Time is as costly as money, it is even easier facing financial problems than time, time lost is hardly regained. Financial markets do exist but time existed for time, with the school academic (leader, the period for the research work is too short. Putting other courses into the budget.

      RELUCTANT TO COOPERATE: The management of some business organization are too reluctant to disclose the required information and Moreso when it comes to disclosing exposing the organizational books record. The idea equally affects the quality of facts given in the research some do pith pact to suit the firm.


      TRAINING: The process of learning the skills that you need to do a job.

      COG: A person who is a small part of a large organization.

      RECRUITMENT: To find new people to join a company, an organization.

      STRATEGY: A plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose.

      INEVITABLE: Something that you cannot avoid or prevent.

      INTEGRATION: The act or process of contributing two or more things together so that they can work.   

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research work necessitated by the need to effectively understand the effects of Human Resources Development in organizational growth.  The attainment of organizational goal are very much dependent on the nature of human resources development and ways to execute them. This is important because of the individualistic differences of employees and the cultural framework of the organization under reviewEvery business enterprise big or small, public and private attempts to initiate and input cer ... Continue reading---