• The Effects Of Employee Benefits On The Performance Of Employees

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      Designing and implementing a good employee benefit plan is a huge challenge for most organizations in Nigeria. A study conducted by Cascio (2003) in some West African countries including Nigeria revealed that most organizations in developing countries do not structure and implement their employee benefit packages in an appropriate manner; hence employees find it difficult to really believe they are benefiting from their workplace.
      Poorly designed benefit plans that do not actually motivate employees to put in their best at work is a major issue in corporate Nigeria today. Organizations that do not design their employee benefit plans based on the personality and nature of their employees tend to be wasting resources and efforts, as employees are not motivated to work hard if certain benefit packages offered by the organization do not speak to their needs. An average Nigeriaian worker places more importance to the benefits he or she will derive from working, therefore they are very concerned about what they are paid. Cascio (2003) opines that because of the importance that employee benefits hold for people’s lifestyle and self esteem, employees are very concerned about what they are paid as benefits- a fair and competitive employee benefit, while wise organizations are concerned about what they pay because it motivates important employee decisions especially when it comes to job delivery and performance.
      Implementation of employee benefit is also a major challenge in corporate Nigeria, as employee benefits are sometimes delayed or ruled out due to cost reduction measures by the management of an organization. This has brought about massive corruption, high employee turnover and low employee moral/productivity.
      The main purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of employee benefits on the performance of an employee in an organization. However, in line with the main objective of the study, the specific objectives are:
      To identify employee benefit packages offered to the employees of First bank, Uyo.
      To evaluate the design and implementation of employee benefit plans/ policies of First bank, Uyo.
      To examine the effects of identified employee benefit packages on the overall performance of the employees of First bank, Uyo.
      To suggest better employee benefit packages and plans to the management of First bank, Uyo.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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