• The Effects Of Employee Benefits On The Performance Of Employees

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      In-order to achieve the stated objectives of this study, the following research questions were developed by the researcher:
      What employee benefits exist in First bank Uyo?
      What processes are involved in drafting employee benefit policies, and what factors are considered when planning and implementing these policies?
      What effects have your company’s employee benefit packages had on your job performance?
      Considering the advancement in technology and best human resources practices all over the world, what newer employee benefit packages do you think if introduced to your company, it will increase your performance?
      Ho: There is no significant relationship between employee benefit packages and employee productivity.
      Hi: There is a significant relationship between employee benefit packages and employee productivity.
      This study seeks to highlight and recommend best employee benefit practices that can be adopted in an organization, by bringing out the various employee benefit practices which First bank has undertaken to increase its productivity and contribute its quota in the economic development of the communities which it operates, and the country at large. This study will therefore help enlighten management of various organizations of the various effects of employee benefit plans and packages on the performance of an organization. The study will also bring out specifically, the employee benefit packages which the bank has been able to make available to its employees. It also seeks to bring out the level of encouragement and motivation the bank has given to its employees to work effectively, among others. The importance of this study is therefore to highlight the various employee benefits and how it affects the productivity of employees in an organization. This study will go a long way to illustrate how organizations should treat employees’ in-order to increase productivity.
      The scope of the research will be limited to the effects of employee benefits on the performance of employees in First bank, Uyo, Akwa Ibom state of Nigeria. The research will rely on the bank for vital information as well as information from secondary source.
      The researcher encountered a limitation in regards to availability of information. Thus due to the institutions working ethics, the researcher could not get access to vital information since it was treated as confidential  and the targeted respondent’s number was not attained, since some employees were on leave. Inadequate funds and availability of time also became a limitation.
      The project will be organized around following chapters;
      Chapter one gives an introduction to the research work. It gives the basic information about the company and the research being undertaken. This chapter therefore consists of the background of the study and organizational profile, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitations encountered by the researcher.
      Chapter Twoconsists of the literature review and the theoretical framework
      Chapter three gives details of the research methodology. The research methodology represents the various ways and methods which the researcher used in order to gain information.
      Chapter Fourgives the analysis and interpretation of the information gathered by the researcher.
      Chapter five gives the findings and conclusion of the researcher. Here, conclusions will be drawn based on the findings and their implications will also be given.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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