• Investigation Into Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies For Oil And Gas Companies In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.2Research Purpose
      The main purpose of the research is to explore the corporate social responsibility activities of oil and gas firms in Nigeria in general, and Chevron in the Niger Delta region in particular.  Oil and gas firms have a responsibility to contribute to the local communities because of the impacts that the activities of the oil and gas firms have on the local communities and environment.  Oil and gas firms also generate significant value from their operations. The research provides an evaluation of the extent of corporate social responsibility activities executed by the oil and gas firms with an objective to form a view on how oil and gas firms in Nigeria should pursue corporate social responsibility activities.
      1.3Research Question and Objectives
      The research question for this study is the following: What are the challenges experienced by Chevron in implementing corporate social responsibility strategies in Niger Delta?  There are several research objectives in the study.  These are the following:
      To identify different CSR activities in the Niger Delta region from the oil and gas firms. The study aims to determine the key CSR activities that are being executed by the oil and gas firms in the region.
      To analyse the impacts of corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta region. The research seeks to provide an understanding of the impacts of current CSR activities on the social and economic development of the region.
      To provide recommendations to Chevron on the corporate social responsibility actions to take following the findings from the research. The research aims to have defined recommendations for Chevron as to the types of CSR activities that would benefit Chevron and the local communities in the region.
      There are different problems and issues explored in this research.  One issue is the extent of contribution provided by oil and gas firms to local communities and countries through corporate social responsibility activities.  This is explored in the study to gain an understanding of the contribution of oil and gas firms in general and Chevron, as the case study firm, in particular on the social and economic development of local communities in the Niger Delta region.  Another issue is the impact of these corporate social responsibility initiatives of the oil and gas firms.  Given the significant value extracted by the oil and gas firms from the use of the oil and gas resources of the local communities and countries such as Nigeria, this issue needs to be explored to determine if the oil and gas firms are contributing a proportionate size of benefits to the local communities which are considerably impacted by the activities of the oil and gas firms.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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