• Investigation Into Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies For Oil And Gas Companies In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The other research questions that the study will address relate to the research objectives.  For example, a research question is: what have been the impacts of corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta region from the oil and gas firms?  Another research question is: what are the current suite of corporate social responsibility activities that the oil and gas firms are engaged in?
      In addressing the research questions and research objectives, the study aims to develop insights on the reasons that corporate social responsibility is important for oil and gas firms.  In addition, the study also develops insights on why corporate social responsibility is taken on by companies.
      1.4Research Justification
      There is significant justification to conduct this study. For oil and gas firms, the results of the research are relevant as these firms continue to operate in similar environments to the Niger Delta region.  In understanding the relevant CSR activities that would have the most significant positive impacts in a region, the oil and gas firms are effectively operating in an environment designed to lead to the greatest success for the oil and gas firms, and the local communities.
      The results of the research also lead to significant contribution to academia. The material that results from the research adds to the knowledge and understanding of corporate social responsibility by researchers and provides recommendations as to the actions that oil and gas firms can execute as part of their CSR portfolio of activities

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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