• Impact Of Management Information System (mis) On Effective Human Resource Management In An Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      Management Information System (MIS) helps management in effective planning, organizing and controlling its workforce to achieve desired results. It therefore, means that the ineffective utilization of Management Information System (MIS) can result in low and poor quality production by workers. Also implies that Management Information System (MIS) is a necessity for successful management which could adversely affect the productivity of workers if not properly managed.
      Designing and implementing an effective information system for human resource management becomes a challenge to most government organizations and ministries. The cost and management of these systems at times becomes constraints in the achievement of organizational goals.
      The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of management information system on effective human resource management in an organization. Specific objectives of the study are:
      To determine the problems associated with Management Information System (MIS).
      To determine how Management Information System influences the Human Resources Management.
      To identify the benefits of Management Information System (MIS) in the motivation of workers.
      To determine the role played by Management Information System (MIS) in the achievement of organizational goals.
      In-order to achieve the stated objectives and guide the study, the following research questions will be formulated:
      How can Management Information System influence the Human Resources Management?
      What are the benefits of Management Information System (MIS) in the motivation of workers?
      What role has Management Information System (MIS) played in the achievement of organizational goals?
      What are the problems associated with Management Information System (MIS)?

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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