• The Impact Of Quality Control Technique On The Profitability In Manufacturing Organizations

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • This research work on the impact of quality control techniques on profitability in manufacturing organizations strives to assess the role of quality control in enhancing the profitability of manufacturing organizations. The study argues that the ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit. The study reveals that for any product to survive the competitive nature of the market depends on the value attached to the products by the consumers. Such value may include quality, durability, price, utility and cost of others. It further asserts that printing industries are concerned with/ despite the fact that the printing products are being used by a wide range of customers within the society, there is need for the manufacturers to consider individual optimum benefits, to be abele to accomplish this aim, the quality of the product must be given adequate recognition. One of the major findings was that, the quality control personnel need to be given adequate compensation and recognition to enable them perform creditably well. Their basic functions of supervision is to ensure that standard outputs are produced for the satisfaction of their clients. It is recommended that New Nigeria Newspaper should therefore intensify more effort in their quality control techniques practice to bring their products to the standard of other foreign country predicts so as to enhance their profitability.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit. The quality production may be checked by the following: Production Inspection Good/term vs defectives. -        Production: Production is a any process or procedure designed as well as organized to transform a set of input components into specified set of output eleme ... Continue reading---