• The Impact Of Quality Control Technique On The Profitability In Manufacturing Organizations

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit.
      The quality production may be checked by the following:
      Good/term vs defectives.
      -        Production: Production is a any process or procedure designed as well as organized to transform a set of input components into specified set of output elements.
      -        Inspection: Why do we inspect? To need out inferior product of course but if I stop with that answer, I will over look most of what I should be doing inspection is done his the production process not only to catch the bad item, but also save wasting further work on them.
      -        Good/term: The quality of production can be checked by accepting the unit that are good and reject the unit that are defective or present defective production.
      The quality of production by good/terms vs defective product is determine as quickly as possible during the production cycle when qualities is shipping so that corrective may be taken before the occurrence of real loss in the form of defective items.
      A quality control system must include inspection. In the case, however, the basic purpose of such inspection is not isolate good and bad unit, but to play watch dog over the production process there by providing the control required to keep performance within acceptable limits. The consumer reaction, the quality of production is checked from the reaction of consumer of a product if the attitude of consumer is positive then quality is said to be met but if the reaction is negative towards a particular product is said to be me.
      The effect of the consumer reaction on the organization is that the organization may end up losing t heir customer to their competitors when the reaction is negative and could lead to the collapse of the organization. But when the reaction of consumer is positive it brings about:
      Increase in the sales of the organization product and also brings good wheel to the organization. In terms of having more customers which of course will make the organization to remain in the market.
      The quality of production is determine as quickly as possible during the production cycle, when quality is slipping so that corrective action may be taken before the occurrence of real loss in the form of defective items. A good quality control system must include inspection. In this case, however, the basic purpose of such inspection is not to isolate good and bad units but to play watch dog over the production process there by proceeding the control required to keep performance within acceptable limits.
      Quality control means different things to different people. Quality control is more than a set of statistical formular and table for acceptance and control. Indeed, it is more than the department unit responsible for quality control to an enlightened. Management it must represent a business investment, which any other investment should show paper returns to justify its existence.
      The control of quality is the responsibility of every one in the organization what over is produce by person or machine, the person or the operator doing the work or operation of the machine is the one who can most effectively control quality or make information available so that desired quality control can be attained so that immediate action can be taken. The person who has most influence for good or bad over the worker whether the work is production or administration is the first line supervision. This supervisor becomes the determinant which the total quality control effort revolves.
      This project will therefore assess the import of quality control on profitability in manufacturing organizations. With emphasis on the printing industry and in particular to new Nigeria Newspaper limited Kaduna.
      The New Nigeria News paper limited,. Whose hand office is located along Ahmadu Bello Way Kaduna was incorporated and launched by the Northern Regional Government on 23rd October, 1964. The Launching of the company was performed by his Royal Highness Late sin Ahmadu Bellow Raba the sardauna of sokoto. Its original name was Northern Nigeria Newspaper Limited until it was change to now Nigeria Newspaper limited after the creation of state in 1967. The aims of the establishing the company was primarily to print and publish newspapers which will provide means of public enlightment and education for the growing literate population of Nigeria. It was also decided that the company should take over the publication of Gaskiya tafi kwabo which was hither to published in Zaria by Gaskya Corporation Limited.
      In Maran 1973, the southern edition of the New Nigeria was inaugurated in  Lagos, the office of the company to start printing simultaneously with the Kaduna Head office to enhance easy transportation wide coverage. When the northern region was split into six states by the creation of 12 states in the federation in July, the ownership and management of the companies publication where transferred to the northern state interim common services agency (ICSA) before the company was fully taken over by the federal government August 1975 and place under the Federal Ministries of Information. At present, the company publishers four Newspapers the New Nigerian the Gaskiya Tafikwabo (a three time a week Hausa publication) the New Nigeria weekly and the Sunday New Nigerian. While the New Nigeria was first published on 1st January 1939, the Sunday New Nigeria was first published on 24th May, 1981, the New Nigeria weekly (Saturday) was first published on the 7th February 1998. The company operates a commercial/ stationeries printing department, which under takes printing job of various types and process high quality exercise books and other stationeries products. In other to consolidate its economic base the company went in to real property development project in 1977 with the construction of imam house (named after the first indigenous editor of Gaskiya Tafi Kwabo) and multistory building known as Nagwamatse housing the bank of the North area office Kaduna.
      Furthermore, the company has yet built another 13 story building adjacent human house which was leased out to organizations such as national electric power Authority (NEPA) now PHCN and Bank of the North and other housing project to case accommodation within the New Nigerian Newspaper Limited.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research work on the impact of quality control techniques on profitability in manufacturing organizations strives to assess the role of quality control in enhancing the profitability of manufacturing organizations. The study argues that the ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit. The study reveals that for any product to survive the competitive nature of the market depends on the ... Continue reading---