• The Impact Of Quality Control Technique On The Profitability In Manufacturing Organizations

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The quality of a product may be defined in terms of its kind, types, characters and degree of goodness or excellence. If the company’s product is to satisfy the customer requirement than it is necessary for the company to establish standards for the product function and appearance aspect of its product. This implies the need for a general requirement for setting up a quality control department to ensure that the standard are adhered to quality control sometimes fails to meet the required specification because of some  unassignable causes, defective materials improper setting of equipment, operation errors, manpower and many other unassignable causes. Because it cost the same amount of money to produce good units, emphasis should be on prevention rather than error defection. Thus, the attainment of suitable quality department appropriate human performance when the product is being made consequently conflict crisis between the quality control personnel and promotion personnel. When this happens it is the responsibility of the manager to resolve the conflict.
      In the face of economic depression in our present society man is corrupt and can go to any length to compose standard for his own benefits. There is need for quality control officials to be adequately remunerated so that they would perform their function effectively.
      Another factor to be considered that which is militating against quality control is time particularly in printing industries where emphasis is majority on mass production. How eve, time limitation must never be compromised for quality control, its desire is to meet the over all objective of satisfying customer’s needs profitability.
      Against the background of the enumerated of the organization, the following are the objective of the study.
      1.      To examine the process of quality control technique in printing industries in particular to New Nigeria, Newspaper Limited.
      2.      To also highlight it importance inreducing the cost of correcting effective product in printing industries in particular to the New Nigeria Newspaper.
      3.      To also determine the impact of quality control techniques on profitability in printing industries in particular the New Nigeria Newspaper Limited.
      4.      To preset impartial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Higher National Diploma in productions and operation management.
      The following hypothesis are put forward to guide, the researcher in this study:
      i.             Ho: Quality control techniques is not significant impact on the profitability of an organization.
      ii.           Hi: Quality control techniques is significant impact on the profitability of an organization.
      Considering the importance of quality control techniques in the organization, it is necessary that the dimension or other attributes to be controlled should be defined as clearly as possible.
      Being a tradition that a final year student must written project or research work of this nature as fulfillment for the award of Higher National Diploma in production and operations management. The study is undertaken for t he purpose of exercising the term quality control technique, its role how effective, efficient to the over all achievement of the organizational goals and objective.
      And also it is certain that the finding of this study would be of benefit to the organization as a whole especially to the production department and future researchers.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research work on the impact of quality control techniques on profitability in manufacturing organizations strives to assess the role of quality control in enhancing the profitability of manufacturing organizations. The study argues that the ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit. The study reveals that for any product to survive the competitive nature of the market depends on the ... Continue reading---