• The Impact Of Quality Control Technique On The Profitability In Manufacturing Organizations

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      Future researcher will find this project work useful and interesting w hen making research on a related toic or when user is needed for review on this particular topic. This project work will service as foundation that will case further research.
      That quality control techniques enhances profit and that all activities in the production process that bring about defective job should be avoided for them to maintain quality.
      1.7    SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      The major scope of t his study has to do with aspect of quality control techniques on the profitability. With a case study of New Nigeria Newspaper company limited Kaduna. This research work is directly concerned with quality control technique on the profitability in many facturing organization, especially I quality control department. Therefore, the prime scope of this research is to access the quality control technique on the profitability in manufacturing organization in the effectives of New Nigeria Newspaper Company Limited Kaduna.
      To undertake research work of these nature is by no means on easy task, the researcher encounter a number of problems in the course of gathering materials, analyzing them etc the major limiting factors encountered include the following:
      1.           Limited information provided by the management of the company studied no company would be willing to divulge information on its operation as it relates to quality control technique. The researcher has been able to convince management of the need for such vital information to the educational development of the nation as this would serve as part of their contribution to such development.
      2.           Time: time has also been a limited factor in the sense that despite the fact that the research work is an important aspect of the academic programme of the poly technique available to meet other academic commitment which are equally important.
      i.       Technique According to David Dorfman (2011) is defined technique as a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of manufacturing work or a scientific procedure.
      Technique can be described as ability in a particular field.
      A technique is a systematic procedure formular or routine by which a task is accomplished.
      ii.      Quality control techniques: Quality control techniques According to Juran (1974:448) is a regulatory technique through which we measure actual quality performance compared with standard and act on the differences.
      Deming, W.E (1976:26) quality control technique as a function or collection of duty which must be performed through out an organization in order to achieve its quality objectives.
      iii.     Specification: Is the description of an item ordered by an organization that a description given must confirm to. Is the statement providing description list of characteristics or requirement laid down for materials component or process service.
      iv.     Reliability: These are products or services that have all characteristics expected of them. In terms of functional performance taste. It can be defined as the profitability of a product performing its purpose adequately for an intended period or under a given operating condition.
      In this definition four elements are being stressed upon job probability adequate performance, time and operating. To achieve reliability, a product must be properly designed for its function. There must also be a follow up to ensure that the quality of materials (printing paper ink etc) and workmanship is consistent with desired reliability
      v.       Durability: This measures the projected use available form the product over its operating cycle before its deteriorates (in terms of information).
      Quality control: Is the function of collection of duties which must be performed throughout the organization in order to achieve its quality objectives.
      In printing industries which major objectives is to produce books Newspaper in general which has to do with feeding the public with vital information, may not be irrelevant to lay emphasis on quality control in the determination of its goals and objectives.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research work on the impact of quality control techniques on profitability in manufacturing organizations strives to assess the role of quality control in enhancing the profitability of manufacturing organizations. The study argues that the ultimate aim of any manufacturing company is the production of quality goods and services for the satisfaction of its customers and to maximize profit. The study reveals that for any product to survive the competitive nature of the market depends on the ... Continue reading---