• The Impact Of Incentive Welfare Schemes On The Performance Of Workers

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The objective or purpose of this study is as follows:
      To ascertain whether any of the services formally by the staff in the company has been withdrawn and the reasons that necessitated they’re withdrawal.
      To ascertain whether there is other benefit which the staff demanded for effective performance of their jobs that are not yet provided.
      To ascertain the problems of any that is encounter by the company in the administration of welfare services.
      To determine the effectiveness or otherwise of staff welfare program in national electric power authority as perceived by the staff.
      To make recommendation based on this study on how to improve the provision and administration staff welfare scheme in NEPA Plc Enugu zone if need be.
      In the nature of the research, students are often faced with many constraints. To evade some of these constraints, students are now required to carryout a case study where a small area will be selected for study sued as a reference point for large areas. So the scope of this study covers only a large spectrum of government owned enterprise in Nigeria called NEPA Plc Enugu zone.
      It is hoped that the study of the administration of staff welfare scheme in NEPA will serve as an eye opener to efficient administration of welfare services in other government owned companies in Nigeria.
      The role that a comprehensive staff welfare scheme plays in the efficiency with which an average worker discharges his responsibilities and the achievement of the overall corporate of an organization cannot be under played. Organization thus, try as much as possible to attain their corporate objectives by helping their staff to accomplish their own personal objectives. This they do by setting up ideal welfare scheme for the benefit of their staff.
      In another breadth, it is a matter of curiosity to observe who might be pondering on the new welfare scheme that I would be evolved by NEPA Plc Enugu zone, considering the circumstances in which the company as a new cooperate body is formed, leaving behind tow clearly distinct staff welfare scheme.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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