• The Impact Of Incentive Welfare Schemes On The Performance Of Workers

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      For the purpose of this research work the following key works are defined as follows:
      Any person who enters into a company, through an (employers) in return for wages salary or other valuable consideration. In this research work, this embraces both those ordinarily involved with the execution of the assigned work and those involved in the day decision making of the firm.
      Is a wide variety of services that is provided by companies for their staff, and in some cases for members of staff families. This word shall be used in this research interchangeable with fringes benefits, employee benefits, welfare services, supplementary benefits and supplementary compensation.
      This refers to a predetermined agreement of programmes events or development planned to accrue to a  given expected outcome.
      Armstrong. M. and Murus H. (1980);    A hand book of administration. London: Koran PCI Ltd P. 140
       Dale Y. (1962):   Personnel Management and Industrial relations 5th edition Englewood P. 213.
       Ozo, J. C. et al (1999): Introduction to project writing for Business and Financial studies. Enugu, Sunny Enterprise.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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