• The Effect Of Inadequate Human Resource On The Performance Of Government Establishments

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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                Smith and Brown were of the opinion that goal setting as at the heart of the performance appraisal process of organization gives meaning and relevance to appraisal and development activities. The objectives of this research will be as follows:
      Letting government to know that the human resources performance in Enugu State is inadequate. Therefore when the government Department concerned got informed, the objective of this study will be achieved. This effect will be that they will make immediate arrangement to recruit more people in the ministry.
      To identify the levels in which the inadequacies were existing. This will enable the government department concerned to know exactly the levels where their recruitment/promotion exercise will focus for quicker action.
      Finally, to identify how to tackle the poor management lack of training and who is supposed to build up the government human resources inadequate. Government as referred above is every body. Therefore, effort needs to be made to identify. The segment of government that is vested with the task.
      The effects of identifying how and who will advice government on some of the causes and effects of inadequate human resources on the performance of government establishments. This was because it is only when the causes of a particular problem are identified that some remedial solutions should be embarking on:
      Immediate recruitment of more human resources.
      Workers should enjoy remuneration employment of qualified staff.
      Promotion should be done when due constant training and development of Civil Servant while in Service in other to Corp with their job.
      Establishing of an assessment centres.
      Government should pass good legislature favouring the employees. In other to have better form of mind to enhance productivity as well as efficiency.
      Finally if all these been looked into it will improve the inadequate human resources performance in government establishments because objective is not only to identify problems, but it is aimed at finding solutions to them.
           According to this research work, it will be of benefit to the government establishments in the following ways:
                The significance of the effect of inadequate human resources on the performance of government establishment.
       It will cover the followings:
      The findings of the study stand as a source of ready information from the establishment.
      Recommendation would be a source of information to various organizations on their effort to improve on their human resources performance.
      To rebrand inadequate human resources in other to enhance their attitudinal change in exercising their duties in government establishments. The cause of this unemployment in Nigeria includes mismanagement of available of human resources. Even though there was employment, still we still experience inadequacies in human resources due to the people employed are not qualified to take up the Job because they were employed on the bases of godfathers.
      However, some authors were of opinion that the reasons for inadequate performance in Government establishments were because those employed are lacking the skills needed.
      When this research identifies the level of were the inadequacy shortages are existing, we can advise the government. The advice the government to start recruiting more human resources and looking into numerous problem confronting the civil servants like:
      Lack of motivation
      Low salary
      No housing scheme and scholarship award. For civil servant children.
      Rigid government policy on civil servant.
      No health insurance. Then the result will be eliminating the effect of inadequate human resources in government establishments.
      Minimizing the inadequacies and the suffering of the little employees already in service, the result will be that the duties formerly undertaken by only one employee will then be shared among other employees to reduce cumbersome work load.
      Finally, is getting government useful information and guide in the area of utilizing its human resources in the best possible ways. Leonard R. Sayless and George Syrauss said that management must provide orderly pathways down ward as well as up ward and seek to minimize the personnel and organizational disruption associated with cut back in employment. That is, disruption in any organizational activity will be completely eliminated when government starts managing her human resources which include: planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, reporting and budgeting for her human resources.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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