• The Effect Of Inadequate Human Resource On The Performance Of Government Establishments

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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    • These are things to find out:
      What are the ractionel behind ineffectiveness and the experience in those government establishments over the years?
      What aspect of the resources are you to diagnose in the cause of this research.
      What can you say is the effect (problem) identifiable in this establishment?
      What are the penacial cares, remedy or solutions to the problems?
      What are your tentative or sub-mission in this regard.
      1.      Does poor financial incentive contribute to inadequate human resources performance?
      2.      What is the major cause of the inadequacy?
      3.      In what level do you think these inadequacies?
      4.      In what area do these inadequate have effect?
      5.      What prevent government from employing more human resources?
      6.      What then should government to increase her human resources?
      1.6   SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      The scope is to look into the effect of inadequate human resources in respect of the performance of government establishment in Enugu.
      The sources of human resources as well as causes effect and solution to inadequate human resources and on the performance of government establishment and also to give recommendation and suggest remedies to the poor performance of Enugu state government with particular reference to ministry of finance.
      The research is focused on the effect of inadequate resources on the performance of government establishments (Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Enugu). Due to certain problems that emanated from experience encountered insufficient data, high cost of transportation, difficulties in getting exeat permit from the school authority.
      a.       Lack of Information: success of research depends on the availability of information or data. In this research because of the bureaucracy in the government establishments, their officials at times refuse to release certain information this contributed in limiting the scope of the research work.
      b.     Finance:    Covering the whole 5 departments of the ministry would have given more understanding of the topic. But due to lack of finance it was limited to (2) two departments the personnel and statistics Departments.
      c.       Time also stood as constraints to the researcher in traveling to other ministries but it was limited to only to departments in Enugu state.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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