• The Effect Of Inadequate Human Resource On The Performance Of Government Establishments

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      Floppo (1986:10) defined human resources as the planning organizing directing and controlling of the procurement development compensation, integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to the organizational goals.
      The word effectiveness, efficiency is the means that some one or something being in a state well without waste it is the ability to apply the best methods and principles in the doing of a thing or reaching a decision it is the ability to follow the best and shortest route to a destination.
      Efficiency can be defined as fitness or power to accomplish or success in accomplishing the purpose intended by oxford dictionary.
      According to the same dictionary effectiveness is the ability or power to have noticeable or desired effect. Maurice Odo defined it as a effect of the means employed.
                R.B.N. Owele in a class lecture “says that effectiveness relate to production output which are intended to yield desired output from these definition the researcher regards effectiveness as the extends to which achievement has been made of set objectives
      The oxford advanced learner dictionary says that to be effective means to have a noticeable or desired effect it means to produce desired result.
                Dr. Maurice Odo says that efficiency is the means to end. He wants further to say that specific issue with the intention of achieving the set down goals.
                Manpower can be defined as the number of workers needed or available to do or perform a particular job at any period of time.
      This the amount of production in relation to the labour employed it is the quantity of output resulting from a given level of resource input.
      Motivation has been defined as the inner drive that causes one to act or person inner state that energies sustain and direct behavior to satisfy a person’s needs (Milkovich and Glueck 1995)
      According to Donald (1992), motivation is the act of stimulating someone to action by creating state environment in which their motivation can be unleashed and through providing a reason or incentive for people to produce more therefore employee motivation can cause one to abandon one’s goal for the goal of an organization motivation is the key factor that gingers or energies an individual or group of individuals towards the achievement of any pre-stage goals.
      To train as according to Oxford advanced learner dictionary is to give teaching and practice in order to bring to a desired stand and behavior efficiency or physical condition, training therefore is the act of teaching in the industrial or business concept. It is the act of level of the expectations of their employer.
      The sources of human resources in government establishments and as well as problem associated to inadequate human resources and to give some recommendation and suggest solution to the performance of Enugu state government with a particular reference to the ministry of finance.
      Onah, F.O. (2003). Human Resource Management Enugu.Fuhhadu Publishing Company.
      Obikeze, S., & Obi, E. (2003) Public Administration in Nigeria, A
       Developmental Approach Onisha Book Point Ltd.
      Obikeze, O. & Abonyi, (2005) Personnel Management Concept,
      Practice & Application Onitsha Book Point Ltd.
      Oxford Advance Dictionary.
      Maurice Odo “Efficiency” (ESUT classroom lecture note).
      Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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