• Casualization And Employee Commitment In Etisalat Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      Casualization goes beyond Nigeria and beyond telecommunication companies. Around the world in nearly every economic sector, good jobs are falling prey to corporate cost-cutting moves at the expense of working families. Too many jobs are being outsourced, contracted out, or reclassified under a barrage of legal definitions designed to keep pay down, benefits low, and unions out. Casualization of employment is growing at an alarming rate. More and more workers in permanent employment are losing their jobs and are being re-employed as or replaced by casual or contract workers. This state of affairs is viewed as employers’ strategies to cut cost; maximize profit and subject the employees under economic captivity. Casual work which is supposed to be a form of temporary employment has acquired the status of permanent employment in many organizations in Nigeria without the statutory benefits associated with permanent employment status. Casual workers are subject to lower pay, barred from their right to join a union, and denied medical and other benefits. Companies have devised antics by often hiring several part-time workers instead of one or two full-time workers to avoid their obligation to provide benefits, to divide the workforce, and to dissuade unionizing efforts. However, this research is out to find out the effect of this unfair casualization of staffs by some management of companies on the employee commitment.
      The general objective of this study is to analyze the effect of casualization on employee commitment in Etisalat Nigeria while the following are the specific objectives:
      To examine the effect of casualization on employee commitment in Etisalat Nigeria.
      To determine the different causes of employee casualization.
      To examine the effect of casualization of organizational performance and productivity.
      What is the effect of casualization on employee commitment in Etisalat Nigeria?
      What are the different causes of employee casualization?
      What is the effect of casualization of organizational performance and productivity?
      1.5     HYPOTHESIS
      Hypothesis One
      HO1: There is no significant relationship between casualization and employee commitment in Etisalat Nigeria.
      HA1: There is significant relationship between casualization and employee commitment in Etisalat Nigeria.
      Hypothesis two
      HO2: There is no significant relationship between casualization and organizational performance and productivity in Etisalat Nigeria.
      HA2: There is significant relationship between casualization and organizational performance and productivity in Etisalat Nigeria.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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