• Assessment Of The Criteria For The Promotion Of Employes In Alo Aluminium Company

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      Inmost organization or a firm employees want to attain the highest rank possible and they do their possible achieve such a position. No one with further prospects just enter an organisation of firm to continue being at a particular position throughout his/her years of employment. People tend to aim or the other have use different types of system in their promotional programme. In this sensitive area of promotion it is obvious to a member of observers why it is done.
       Already there has been a lit of policy change and difference existing in organization. They do not come as a surprise due to different objectives and goals. Other, companies usually promoted. Their employees when they are found to be competent with the job in question follow:
      1.Dose Alu Aluminium Company have a formalized promotion programme
      2.What are the criteria for such promotions and dose the company comply with it?
      3. Who and who are qualified ?
      4.What is the aim of the promotion programme?
      1.The purposes of the present study are to ascertain to what the aluminum company installed protein programme.
      2. To verity who and are qualified to be promoted
      3. To ascertain the criteria for such promotion and if the company complies with it.
      4. TO determine the aim of the promotion programme.
      5. To make necessary recommendation.
      1.3    SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      This study concern the promoting of employees with particular reference to Alo company. Not many researchers have expended time and effort on studying or researching on this aspect of promotion in organization many have marked the important of promotion in management and regard it to a very minor and insignificant aspect and instead prefer studying the appraisal system in organization.
      However, the appraisal and promotion are is no case the same nut can said to be related or go hand in hand, because without the appraisal, promotion cannot take place effectively.
      In this study therefore the appraisal system will be looked at also the training system will also looked at.
      Researchers generally are not a naturally easy job, researchers also involve in problem at all sorts and at various stage of the research.
      This becomes apparent when such is conducted in the kind of environment we are in, when everyone is not literacy and those who have different degrees of literacy. Also where there is conservation, fear and ignorance of different degrees. Degrees of unenlightened in objectives and benefits of the research to the correspondents  and researchers.
      This particular studies was constrained by the following factor:
      Preliminary investigation that affected these studies. Due to the fact that thee company is Alo company, they are very sorting so many things out.
      Initially, they are almost impossible to see in order to give me a go-ahead order. They are either not on seat or having a meeting or something.
      Hours of waiting become the constant practice without seeing them.
      RESPONDENT: questionnaires were distributed and upon the fact it was a bit difficult framing. The questions and distributing, it was worse with the attitudes of respondents
      Most had a non-challant attitude-not encourage one bit.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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