• Assessment Of The Criteria For The Promotion Of Employes In Alo Aluminium Company

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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    • SECRECY AND FEAR:  most of the employees were afraid to answer some of the question. They were wondering given me some sheet away from receiving the questionnaires.
      UNELIGHTMENT: some employees out of sheer ignorance refused the questionnaires. The degree of unlightment in the objective and benefits of research to the correspondents and researcher.   
      LECTURES AND EXAMS: in the initial state of this research, lecture were going on and attendance can noted a lot especially with the final years, and the exam shortly approaching made it quite a task and then it was rushing all the was.
      COST: As a student, the coat of the research came into play, a proper, constructive research has to be money invested to achieve a good results and as student, this was a limiting factor.
      TIME: somehow, time is an impediment in most if not all human endeavors. It is a basic constraining factor.  
      What are the criteria for the promotion in Alo company?
      What is the aim of the promotion pragramme in the company?
      Dose the company have a formalized promotion programme?
      Who and who are qualified?
      Dose promotions have any effect on worker’s attitude?
      1.Ho: A lo company have not adequately provided systematic criteria on promotion.
      HI: Alo Company has adequately provided systematic criteria on promotion.
      2. Ho: Alo company dose not have a formalized promotion programme.
      Hi : Alo company have a formalized promotion programme.
      3. Ho the employees in Alo Company are not satisfied with their promotion.
      Hi: the employees in Alo company are satisfied with their promotion.  
      It is hoped that this project will be useful to the employees and employers. It will also go a long way to help manager’s employers and employees in the firm or organisation to know the extent to which the promotion has been taking place and the criteria that are involved in the promotion.
       Also student of management science especially business Administration will equally benefit from the research as it will unfold the ideal behind this promotion.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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