• Assessment Of The Criteria For The Promotion Of Employes In Alo Aluminium Company

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      Some words used in this study are going to be defined for clear understanding. some are term commonly used while other are not the essence of this is to enable the reader not to get confused in reading especially in the latter part of the study.
      APPRAISAL: the most formal way of evaluation an individual with regards to this contribution on a particular job.
      ORGANISATION: A structural process in which person interact for object which made up of group of people bound together to provide unity of action for the achievement of a pre-determined objects.
      POLICY: A directive issued from a higher-level authority and provide continuous framework for the behavior or a company official attitudes towards types of behavior with which of will allow employees to act.
      PROMOTION: the advancement to a higher rank in an organization, which demands a lot of responsibility and may be tasking on the individual.
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      Nlikat printing and publishers, Enugu 
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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