• Impact Of Traffic Congestion On Workers Health

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.1 Background of the study
      Transport is an important aspect of human civilization because it reflects the economic level and technological progress of a given society. Cities and traffic have developed hand in hand since the first human settlement. According to Armah, Yawson and Papson (2009) found a myriad of challenges for the transportation system with respect to negative purposes, such as traffic congestion and environmental risks. However, it cannot be ignored that cars provide freedom, flexibility and mobility to a large number of people, but the health and environmental effects of traffic congestion are a matter of growing concern. The same forces that drive people to congregate in large urban areas sometimes lead to intolerable levels of traffic congestion on city streets and streets. In addition, the increase in income, combined with a greater propensity to the mobility of people and insufficient mass transportation of the facilities, has led to a sharp increase in the ownership and use of cars in the main cities. The appearance of traffic and, consequently, traffic congestion have revealed the need to improve traffic flow to reduce travel times, safety, average fuel consumption and healthy environments (Ferguson et al., 2004) .
      A number of specific circumstances cause or aggravate congestion. Most of them reduce the capacity of a road at any given time, or even a certain length, or increase the number of vehicles required for a given volume of people or goods (Carlos, 1999).
      The phenomenon of road traffic congestion became obvious due to the rapid increase in the number of vehicles because it is affordable, safer and faster. Other possible cause includes lack of alternative means of local transport (rail, air or water transportation), unplanned road works with little or no practical diversions, broken down vehicles left in the middle of the roads, poor road infrastructure and absence of an efficient public transport system. Issuance of road worthy certificates to rickety and road unworthy vehicles and licenses to incompetent drivers and disregard for traffic regulations by drivers are major causes of road traffic congestion.
      The traffic congestion phenomenon has become evident due to the rapid increase in the number of vehicles because it is affordable, safer and faster. Other possible causes include the lack of alternative local transport (rail, air or water), unplanned road works with little or no practical deviation, broken vehicles left in the middle of the roads, poor road infrastructure and lack of an effective public. Transport system. The issuance of traffic certificates for vehicles in poor condition and in poor condition and driver's licenses for incompetent drivers, and drivers' failure to comply with traffic regulations are the main causes of road congestion.
      In addition to these obvious causes, employment patterns, income levels and poor maintenance of our roads, poor workforce due to poor supervision and control, bribery and negligence of traffickers can indirectly obstruct traffic (Ellimah, 2009). In Nigeria in general, and in Lagos in particular, the poor configuration of cities has paved the way for persistent traffic jams. Lagos, for example, is not only a large city, but also an economic center where various industrial, maritime, banking, governmental and private activities coexist. It is believed to be the busiest city in Nigeria.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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