• Impact Of Traffic Congestion On Workers Health

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      Traffic congestion is becoming an increasing source of air pollution. First, traffic congestion increase emissions, motor vehicles emerged as the greatest contributor to atmosphere warming as cars, buses and trucks release pollutants and green house gases that promotes global warming.
      Traffic congestion makes motorist to inhale vehicular smoke emission resulting into diseases. Carlos (1999) opined that inhalation of particulate matter is associated with increase in people with asthma, reduction in lung function and admission to hospital for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Fergusson, Mahiswalis and Daly (2004) also agreed that air pollution has been lined to morbidity and mortality from various diseases such as coronary disease, aggravation of respiratory disorder and obstructive pulmonary diseases. It is in relation to nasal and ocular symptoms that vehicle exhaust fumes probably have their greatest effects. Surveys in Germany and Japan have shown a higher prevalence of allergic Rhinitis in areas with heavy pollution from automobile exhausts, (Wikipedia, 2010). Road traffic congestion creates mental stress. Stress can be caused by the amount of traffic congestion resulting into road rage has become an increasing social problem. It has been the cause of many attacks on car drivers and has even resulted in several deaths. Disorders attributable to stress includes hypertension, headache, backache, skin disorder, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers. Stress is also believed to contribute to coronary heart disease and some case of cancer (Averbach and Cambling, 1997). Stress can also contribute to some respiratory disorder. For example, stress can trigger asthma while proximity to traffic was recently reported to be associated with wheeze in infants, air pollution related to traffic is significantly associated with triggering of wheezing symptoms in the first 3 years of life (Andersen, et al 2008). Almost one in three drivers suffers from a newly recognized disorder, named “Traffic Stress Syndrome”. This is a form of psychological anxiety that certainly affect drivers, while stuck in traffic. Symptoms normally show after being held up in traffic. It is characterized by increased heart rates, headaches, and sweaty palms. In more severe cases, drivers report nausea, dizziness and stomach cramps.
      General and Specific Objectives of the Study
      The general objective of this study was to examine the effects of traffic congestion on the workers who experience it daily in Lagos, to achieve this; the following specific objectives were set.
      To identify the causes of urban traffic congestion in Lagos
      To find out the types of health challenges Traffic congestions causes to workers.
      To determine the relationship between traffic congestion and health in Lagos.
      To proffer probable solutions
      Research Hypothesis
      Hypothesis One
      Ho: There is a significant relationship between traffic congestion and health effects in Lagos
      Hi: There is no relationship between traffic congestion and health effects in Lagos
      Hypothesis Two
      Ho: Workers develop health challenges as a result of traffic congestion in Lagos.
      Hi: Workers don’t develop health challenges as a result of traffic congestion in Lagos.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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