• Effect Of Substance Abuse Among Youths In Ilorin Metropolis Of Kwara State

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • Statement of the Problem
      Drug/substance abuse in Ilorin metropolis in the contemporary time has become one issue that cast a gloomy shadow to the entire Nigerian society especially among youths. The height of drug/substance trafficking in Ilorin was witnessed in 2015 during the political campaigns. During that period, it was mostly the youths that were involved in drug/substances abuse, despite the decree No. 20 of 1984 that was promulgated against the drug/substance abuse. Unfortunately, politicians looked at it as normal tools for campaigning.
      The usage of drug/substance either by the youths or other members of the larger society in all its ramifications appears to be a social problem. This problem is widespread and it affects all and sundry. In other words, this wide spread use and abuse entice people from all walks of life and beyond the human destruction caused by drug/substance dependence is the damage to traditional values and lifestyles. Studies have also shown that drug/substance abuse wrecks the individual, shatter families and weakens the entire society with its burden of economic looses, health cost,  increased lawlessness and crime. In addition, drug/substances undermines ability of youths to learn meaningfully.It also contradicts societal values of physical wellbeing.
      People experiments with drug/substances because they seem to hold the promise of fulfillment. However, the fulfillment is generally elusive, since greater and greater quantities are consumed and ultimately the person suffers both physical and psychological deterioration. The drug/substance abuser also experiences problems of interaction and such interactional problem is encountered inside his immediate family and stress is invariably created in the family situation of drug/substance abuse (Hoffman, 1990).
      Furthermore, drug/substance abuse may entail a lot o social problems ranging from lateness to lectures, family neglect, deviance behaviours, involvement in crime etc (Earl 2000). In terms of economic cost, it includes the more money required to deal with the undesirable effects of the drug/substance abuse, the less money for services and programmes that enhances the quality of life (Earl, 2000).
      One of the factors militating against the eradication of drug/substance abuse among our youths is that of security agencies, such as the police force, and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies among others these have not done enough to check this scourge. Another factor militating against the eradication of drug/substance abuse among Nigerian youths is the problem of corruption among the men and women officials of these aforementioned agencies.
      To this end and judging from the problems outlined earlier, this research was aimed at ascertaining the effect of drug/substance abuse on the youths of Ilorin metropolis of Kwara state, using Sango as a study area.
       Purpose of the Study
      The primary purpose of this study was to determine
      The influence of drug/substances abused on youths in the society.
      Specifically the study:
      1. Found out the drug/substances that are commonly abused by youths in Ilorin metropolis.
      2. Found out the implications for youths involvement on drug/substance abuse.
      3. Determined the extent of drug/substances abuse by the youth in Ilorin Metropolis
      4. Identified strategies/measures aimed at eradicating the drug/substance abuse problems among youths in Ilorin metropolis.
      5. To ascertain the reasons why drug/substances are been abused by the youths in Ilorin metropolis.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTDrug/substance abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially among the youth. Incidences of drug/substance and alcohol abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of the drug/substance problem, this is the reason why most of the d ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]Appendix EFFECT OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONG YOUTHS IN ILORIN METROPOLIS OF KWARA STATE:- A CASE STUDY OF SANGO AREADear Respondents,     The researcher is conducting a study on the above topic please respond to the following questions as honestly as possible. It will be used for research purpose only and information provided will be kept confidential.SECTION A1.    Age – 15-20 years (  ), 21-25 (   ) 25-30 (   ) 30-35 (   )2.    Sex: Male: (   ) Female (  ) 3.    Religi ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]                                     TABLE OF CONTENT Title page      Citification   Copy right   Dedication   Acknowledgement Abstract   Table of content   CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION   Background of study     Statement of the problem   Purpose of the study   Research question Significance of the study    Scope of the study  Definition of terms   CHAPTER TWO         REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE  Concept of drug/substance abuse Common ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]Theories on drug/substance abusei.    Structural strain theory The functionalist perspective or deviance has been further elaborated by Robert Merton (1910-2003). Merton‟s structural strain theory traces the origins of deviance to the tension caused by the gap between cultural goals and the means people have to achieve these goals. In society, culture establishes goals for people, social structures provide or fail to provide the means for people to achieve these goals. Accor ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER THREE                                       METHODOLOGY This chapter deals with the research design, setting, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, target population, reliability and validity of the instrument and method of data analysis  Research Design The survey design was adopted in this study. According to Bolton (1992), a survey design is used to access and predict the views, reactions or standings of a large number o ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 16 ]Table 27 shows the substance commonly abused by youth in Sango area; 43(45.7%) of respondent said they commonly abused alcohol very often, 31(33%) often, 12(12.8%) not often and 8(8.5%) not all. Respondents 51(54.3%) said they abused cigarette very often, 32(34%) of respondents often while 32(34%) of respondent  did not often and 5(5.3%) of respondents did not at all. Respondent 35(37.2%) said they abused kolanut very often, 37(39.4%) often while 13(13.8%) did not often and 9(9.6%)did  not at ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]Recommendations 1. Government should set up rehabilitation centres to aid victims of drug abuse. Further to this, there is also the need for agency in combating the social disintegration by way of public awareness and education. Community organizations and health and social agencies must identify high-risk groups and educate the public about the dangers of drug use, emphasizing vital importance of drug free life. 2. A social environment should be created which would discourage drug abuse. Socie ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESBlalock, M.H. (1979). Social Statistics: International Student Edition. London: McGraw-Hill Hogaky Sha Ltd. Blum, B. and Moore, A. (1973), Controlling Drugs. An International Handbook for Psychoactive Drug Classification. New York: Oxford University Press. Cameron, N.A. and Margaret A. (1970), Behaviour Pathology. Boston: Houghton and Mufflin. Chien, I. (1969), Psychological Functions of Drug Use: Scientific Basis of Drug Dependence. London: Churchhill Publishing Company Ltd. Cook, S.W ... Continue reading---