Effect Of Substance Abuse Among Youths In Ilorin Metropolis Of Kwara State
Table 27 shows the substance commonly abused by youth in Sango area; 43(45.7%) of respondent said they commonly abused alcohol very often, 31(33%) often, 12(12.8%) not often and 8(8.5%) not all. Respondents 51(54.3%) said they abused cigarette very often, 32(34%) of respondents often while 32(34%) of respondent did not often and 5(5.3%) of respondents did not at all. Respondent 35(37.2%) said they abused kolanut very often, 37(39.4%) often while 13(13.8%) did not often and 9(9.6%)did not at all. Moreover, respondents 67(71.3%) said they commonly abused heroine very often, 12(12.8%) often, 05(5.3%) did not often and 10(10.6%) did not at all. Moreover, respondents 49(52.1%) said they abused codeine very often, 23(24.5%) often and 12(12.8%) did not often and 10(10.6%) did not at all. Respondents 51(54.3%) say they abused Indian hemp very often, 15(16%) often 21(22.3%) not often and 07(7.4%) not at all. In addition, respondents 38(40.4%) abused cocaine very often, 30(31.9%) often while 14(14.9%) not often and 12(13.2%) not at all.
Research question four: What are the likely implications for youth’s involvement in drug/substance abuse? In Ilorin metropolis
Academic Effect
Table 28 shows the academic effect of drug abuse on youth. Respondents 49% said it decreased their grade, 28.1% said it made them absent from school while 19.8% of respondents said it made them dropping out of the school and 3.1% of respondents said it caused made them indiscipline.
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTDrug/substance abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially among the youth. Incidences of drug/substance and alcohol abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of the drug/substance problem, this is the reason why most of the d ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTDrug/substance abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially among the youth. Incidences of drug/substance and alcohol abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of the drug/substance problem, this is the reason why most of the d ... Continue reading---