In this chapter, the findings presents in chapter five are discussed; conclusion and relevant recommendations are made
Research question: What are the major reasons accountable for engagement of youths in drug/substance abuse in Ilorin metropolis?
Result from research questions shows that respondents agreed that they have been taken other drug aside from medicine with majority said for more than two years and they were 18 years and above while taken drug and they get money to buy drug substance from pocket money and income from business and they get to know about drug substance from friends and they usually buy themselves. The contradicting study by Odejide (2014) who observed that the reasons advanced by the youth for taking drug are: to feel on top like adults, to feel good, to get excited, to be like friends and to be like stars. The abuse of these drugs which lead to addiction among these students gradually progresses to affect their academic performance and cause a host of evil happenings on the campus and in our society, such as incessant occurrence of road traffic accidents as a result of effects of these substances, Some students indulged in exam-malpractices while others had breakdown during examinations leading to failure and eventual drop-out, Some of them become rude and arrogant to lecturers and parents and occasionally causing riots and chaos on the campuses while some grew up to become criminal in the society leading them into prison-yards.
Research question two: What are the major reasons accountable for engagement of youths in drug/substance abuse in Ilorin metropolis?
The result from research question two shows that majority of youth engage in drug abuse through peers group influence, parental example, social pressure and cultural influence. This agrees with Oketch (2008) who observed that the period of youth is characterized by many challenges which they believe are understood by their peers. In all this turmoil, come a socially classic, adult idealized, commonly available, mood altering drugs. Thus, he said, many adolescents try alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis. This was also supported by NACADA (2006) who reported that peer pressure accounts for 21 – 42% influence in all types of drugs and substances consumed. The peer subculture also facilitates negative behaviour by making the substances available and by providing an appropriate social setting and instructions. Other factors according to Ballas (2006) include the following; curiosity, social rebellions, early initiation, poor control, low self-esteem, poor stress management, to escape reality, genetic predisposition, withdrawal effects and craving, sensation felling.
Research question three: What are the common drug/substances used by the youths in Ilorin metropolis
Research from question 3 shows that majority of youth commonly abused drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes, codeine and Indian hemp which affect their development. NACADA, (2006) identify commonly abused drugs and substances by Kenyan youth include as alcohol, tobacco, bhang, miraa (khat), a host of inhalants and prescription drugs
Research question four: What are the likely implications for youth’s involvement in drug/substance abuse?
Research question four shows that drug use by youth affect academic, physical health, mental health and social effect of youth. The findings agree with Blandford (1998) who noted that drug abuse has become a stumbling block to the students learning behavior which is essential element in educational practice. Ten percent (10%) of the students believed that drug abuse contributed to withdrawal syndrome as they did not interact with them while 8% believed that drug users are ever violent.
In line with the findings of this study the researcher makes the following conclusions. Drug abuse is a social problem basically associated with young people. These young people involve themselves in taking hard drugs and excessive taking of some drugs which may alter the body system or may cause damage to the health. Drug abuse is very common among undergraduates, they take drugs, to get “high†or to make them feel “big†or for them to just feel fit into the environment while some take this drugs through the influence of friends or other people around them. Drug is mostly abused by males undergraduates than compared to the female.