Effect Of Substance Abuse Among Youths In Ilorin Metropolis Of Kwara State
1. Government should set up rehabilitation centres to aid victims of drug abuse. Further to this, there is also the need for agency in combating the social disintegration by way of public awareness and education. Community organizations and health and social agencies must identify high-risk groups and educate the public about the dangers of drug use, emphasizing vital importance of drug free life.
2. A social environment should be created which would discourage drug abuse. Society should formulate policies to prevent drug abuse and should also hold seminars for parents and families to alert them early to the symptoms of drug abuse in their children.
3. Government should prevent the cultivation/sales of Indian Helm and other deadly herbs that encourage drug abuse.
4. Government should strictly enforce its existing laws against drug abuse through its regulatory agencies.
5. Parents and guardians should Endeavour to monitor their children and wards so that they do not engage in drug abuse.
6. Drug free clubs should be established in campuses
7. Effort of the government authority should be geared towards intensive use of print and electronic media for public enlightenment.
Suggestions for further study
In view of the wide scope of this study, the findings of the study, limitations, the researcher wish to suggest the following areas worthy of further investigations.
a) The consequences of Drug Abuse in Nigeria
b) The effects of Drug Abuse on undergraduates’ academic achievement
c) The major causes of Drug Abuse among Nigeria University Undergraduates.
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTDrug/substance abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially among the youth. Incidences of drug/substance and alcohol abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of the drug/substance problem, this is the reason why most of the d ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTDrug/substance abuse is one of the major problems confronting the nation today especially among the youth. Incidences of drug/substance and alcohol abuse and related anti-social behaviour have tremendously increased in recent years. This has become a matter of concern to the government, parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations and all other relevant agencies. The Nigeria government has recognised the seriousness of the drug/substance problem, this is the reason why most of the d ... Continue reading---