• Influence Of Emotional Reactivity And Risk Perception On Health Related Quality Of Life Among Hypertensive Patients

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) therefore, is a multi-dimensional concept that includes domains related to physical, mental, emotional and social functioning. It goes beyond direct measures of population health, life expectancies and causes of death. It focuses on the impact health status has on quality of life (Healthy people, 2002). On the basis of a synthesis of the scientific literature and advice from its public health partners, Centre for Disease Control (2000) has defined HRQOL as “an individual’s or group’s perceived physical and mental health over time. Health-related quality of life" (HRQL), according to American Thoraic Association, (2003) is an individual's satisfaction or happiness with domains of life, so far as they affect or are affected by "health". Hence, HRQOL can be distinguished from quality of life in that it concerns itself primarily with those factors that fall under the purview of health care providers and health care-systems, (Wilson & Cleary, 1995). Health related quality of life has been associated with chronic health disorders such as cancer, hypertension, etc. In this study, the concept of health related quality of life will be investigated among hypertensive patients.
      Generally speaking, then, assessment of HRQL represents an attempt to determine how variables within the dimension of health (e.g., a disease or its treatment) relate to particular dimensions of life that have been determined to be important to people in general (generic HRQL) or to people who have a specific disease (condition-specific HRQL). Most conceptualizations of HRQL emphasize the effects of disease on physical, social/role, psychological/emotional, and cognitive functioning. Symptoms, health perceptions, and overall quality of life are often included in the concept domain of HRQOL (Ware, 1995).
      Individuals’ HRQOL offers a multidimensional perspective of their physical, psychological, and social function, (Ware, 1995). For that reason, HRQOL has gained ground as a primary measure of the impact of disease, (Wilson & Cleary, 1995; Ware, 1995). In addition, it can often be used more easily than clinical parameters as a health-related index helping healthcare workers to understand patients’ needs and provide them with quality health services. HRQOL in populations with cancer, stroke, CVD, and other chronic diseases has been studied extensively using different methods in recent years. However, previous studies had limitations with respect to identifying features according to disease and generalizing results, because the study subjects were typically compared with healthy subject groups and the studies were not designed as randomized controlled trials. Healthcare teams need to provide intensive and focused programs for people with any of the above-mentioned diseases. Thus, the primary aim of this study was to investigate the health conditions of community-dwelling populations with cancer, stroke, and CVD based on standardized data. The second aim was to identify the difference. In this study, the concept of health related quality of life will be studied among hypertensive patients.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The study investigated the influence of emotional reactivity and risk perception on health related quality of life among hypertensive patients. Two hundred and twenty-six (226) hypertensive patients. 124 of the patients were males while 102 were females. The participant’s ages ranges from 26 to 72 years and their mean age to be 59.36 years. A cross sectional design was adopted for the study. Instruments used in the study were: Perth Emotional Reactivity Scale (PERS) developed by Beccerra ... Continue reading---