Factors Responsible For Infertility Among Women Of Child Bearing Age
This study was carried out to examine the factors responsible for infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state. The study specifically was aimed to ascertain the prevalence of infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state, investigate the risk factors of infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state, and investigate the effect of infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprised of women of child bearing age in Umuezei, and Umuagu in Asaba, Delta state.
In determining the sample size, the researcher purposefully selected 160 respondents and 141 were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables, and mean scores. While the hypotheses was tested Chi-square statistical tool. The result of the findings reveals that the prevalence of infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state is high.
The study also revealed that the risk factors of infertility among women of child bearing age in Asaba, Delta state includes: poor nutrition, family history, chronic diseases such as diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, and drugs abuse. Therefore, it is recommended that reproductive health programs must educate couples on the reduced chances of infertility with advancing age and the need to seek medical care early. Improved access to ART will result in improved pregnancy rates. To mention but a few.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Table of ContentAbstractChapter One: Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Objective of the Study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Research Hypothesis1.6 Significance of the Study1.7 Scope of the Study1.8 Limitation of the Study1.9 Definition of Terms1.10 Organizations of the StudyChapter Two: Review of Literature2.1 Conceptual Framework2.2 Theoretical Framework2.3 Empirical Review2.4 Summary of Literature Review Chapter Three: Research Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 ... Continue reading---
TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Table of ContentAbstractChapter One: Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Objective of the Study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Research Hypothesis1.6 Significance of the Study1.7 Scope of the Study1.8 Limitation of the Study1.9 Definition of Terms1.10 Organizations of the StudyChapter Two: Review of Literature2.1 Conceptual Framework2.2 Theoretical Framework2.3 Empirical Review2.4 Summary of Literature Review Chapter Three: Research Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 ... Continue reading---
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