• Impact Of Inventory Control And Planning In Stores Administration

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • The research work will look into the impact of inventory control and planning in stores administration in fan milk industry owerri. This work is divided into five chapters, the first chapter will look into the introduction, background of the study, research questions, limitation of the study, and definition of terms. Chapter two will look into the literature review that is introducing many authors and their books, journals etc bring out their view on the topic while chapter three will look into the research design sources/method of data collection, population and sample size, sample techniques, validity and reliability of measuring instrument and method of data analysis. Chapter four will talk about data presentation and analysis after which the hypothesis will be tested and finally discussion on the major findings during the study. Chapter five finally will summarize all the chapters above, conclusion will be drawn and the researcher will give his recommendations and state the bibliography and finally write out the questions in the questionnaire.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Inventory control is an extension of stores keeping and it has been in practice for a long time. It has a wide scope of activities today. Inventory control is an act of safe keeping some valuable items for future use and to produce them when the need arises. Inventory control goes beyond the scope of keeping and producing the items only but also involves controlling of operations, receiving, quality control activities, trainin ... Continue reading---