• As-built Survey Of Medium Layout

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • Type of equipment: EDM
      Method of measurements: on level smooth ground, surface taping may be employed. On rough terrain catenary tapping may be used, preferably EDM Accuracy of measurement: standard error of linear measurements should be one part in 20,000. Differences between two observations should exceed 1cm.
      Instrumentation; Any instrument including electronic theodolites, total stations or GPS capable of achieving the above accuracies or better may be used.
      Four set of observations (for doubtful latitude pair East/West observations).
      Angular spread -10” 0n 4 zeros.
      Bearing closure at Azimuth check points not to exceed 30”±N, where “N” is the number of instrument stations.
      Plotting of plan:
      Plotting should be done by rectangular coordinates, details and irregular boundaries by offsets or bearing and distances.
      Plans shall show clearly defined plot boundaries, detail within and along the boundary.
      Heading for a certified plan:
      Should include:
      Title of survey.
      Locality- street–town/village, Local Government Area and state.
      Scale and with its linear representation
      North Arrow/origin ,AREA
      Demarcation of Boundaries
      Type of beacons:
      Property beacons shall be 18cm×18cm×75cm.
      Cemetry beacons shall be 10cm×10cm×60cm.
      Spikes shall be rod pin 40mm marked with the center punch mark at the top.
      Marks on boundary walls, a cross ‘x’ with identification number shall be cut and painted on the outside wall where it intercept surveyline. Public survey shall carry double arrows.
      Large concrete beacons/markers may be used for right of way survey (ROW).
      Location of boundary beacons.
      All corners of plot including point of changes in direction and on straight long lines at intervals of not more than 250m in layouts and 400m in farmland.
      Requirements of boundary beacons.
      Adjacent boundary beacons should be inter visible, but where for some reasons this is not possible, multiple observation from proven station or pair of stations to fix a beacon.
      Survey of boundaries.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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