• The Contributions Of Modern Technology In The Advancement Of Secretarial Profession

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.2              STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
      Automation in office emerged to replace work and enhance office efficiency and productivity
      Today, Secretaries profession has witnessed a marked change in terms of technological advancement. Modern office equipment has taken the toll of events with the growing rate of scientific and technological innovations.
                  There are office equipment which are used in organization to improve office work and reduce labour costs. They include electric typewriters, computers, telephone, dictating machines, facsimile transceiver, internet and others are tremendously used in offices today.
      The problem of this study is that now, it has not been known the extent these modern office equipment help the secretary in performing her job, to effectiveness and efficiency.
                  From the use of these modern office equipment it has also not been know whether these equipment act as important tools in the much –desired secretary’s job Satisfaction.
                  This research work therefore attempts to find out the contributions of modern office equipments in the advancement of secretarial profession.
      1.3              PURPOSE OF THE STUDY.   
      The purpose of the study:
      i.                    To find out the type of office equipment used in Anammco and Enaenite.
      ii.                  To find out if any of the equipment is modern
      iii.                To determine the extent the use of these equipments has assisted the secretary in performing their job.
      iv.                To find out the problems they encounter in using office equipment.
      v.                  To determine if Anammco management and Emenite management derive any economic advantage from using these machines.
                  This research would serve as an indicator to employers so as to know the type of modern office equipment needed by the secretary that will be best for maximum efficiency and productivity of secretarial work and the entire organization. It would also serve as a means to ease workload of secretaries in office and bring about job efficiency to secretaries.
                  Finally, business organization would appreciate the importance of these equipment and thus procure them.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The topic of this research is the contributions of modern office equipment. In the advancement of secretarial profession. The study was restricted to Anammco and Emenite Plc. Emene, near Enugu Urban.            To conduct the study, questionnaire structured in two phases was used as the instrument for collecting data.The instrument was validated by the use of pilot test and test –re-test method.Phase a of the questionnaire contain personal data of the respondents while phase B ... Continue reading---