• The Contributions Of Modern Technology In The Advancement Of Secretarial Profession

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                  The researcher assumes that if modern office equipment were provided in various offices they would contribute to secretarial effectiveness and efficiency.
                  It is also assumed that the reverse may be the case where secretaries have the skill and there is lack of modern office equipment.
      The researcher also assumes that if these equipment are provided and the secretaries do not have the competence to manipulate them, their productivity would also be affected.
      1.7       RESEARCH QUESTIONS
      i.          What type of office equipment does Emenite and Anammco      use in their offices?
      ii.         How many of these equipment are modern?
      Iii         To what extent has the use of these equipment helped        the secretaries in their jobs?
      iv.        What problems do the secretaries encounter in the use         of these office equipment?
      v.         What economic advantage does the Emenite and Anammco derive from using these office equipment.
      1.8       DEFINITION OF TERMS
      EFFECTIVENESS: The oxford advanced learners dictionary defines effectiveness as having the desired effect, of producing the intended result.
        EFFICIENCY: The oxford advanced learners dictionary also defines efficiency as the ability of the people to the work well and without waste of time or resources example, competent and efficient secretary.
         EQUIPMENT: The some oxford advanced learners dictionary described equipment as those things needed for particular purpose, example, equipments, are needed in offices for work.
      ENHANCEMENT: Oxford advanced learners dictionary also explains enhancement as the way to increase or to improve further quality, value or status of something.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The topic of this research is the contributions of modern office equipment. In the advancement of secretarial profession. The study was restricted to Anammco and Emenite Plc. Emene, near Enugu Urban.            To conduct the study, questionnaire structured in two phases was used as the instrument for collecting data.The instrument was validated by the use of pilot test and test –re-test method.Phase a of the questionnaire contain personal data of the respondents while phase B ... Continue reading---