• Employer's Perception Of The Hnd Secretarial Graduates In Selected Companies

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    • Employers perception of the HND Secretarial graduates in the selected companies as titled this research work has through the introduction expressed the statement of problems eg, why are HND Secretarial graduates left to be roaming about the street.  Why are HND holders always been left employed? Why are they always placed at the subordinate position etc and purposely find out how employers of labour perceive the HND secretarial graduates : to find out the effects of these treatment by employers of labour on HND Secretarial Graduates and other employers unfriendly attributes towards these graduates.  Using the questionnaire methodology of data collection at a total of 110 questionnires administered and collected and using analystical tools such as tables and percentages.  

      The findings indicate that HND secretarial graduates are perceived in different ways by employers like, saying that they are intrained graduates, executive assistant shorthand typists etc.  also employers were of the opinion that HND Secretarial graduates should possess personal qualities. Employers use interview and selection tests as the tools for selection of secre and also have unfriendly attitudes towards their secretaries like nicknaming and abusing them.  Based on the above, the study recommends that employers should stop abusing their secretaries in order to raise their morale in their work places, emphasis should not be placed on the possession of shorthand and typewriting fot eh selection of secretaries, etc.  In conclusion, the attitude of employers of labour towards the HND Secretarial graduates goes to show that employers neglect the profession not knowing what it takes to train a HND Secretarial graduate, hence the issue of roaming about the street unemployed can be anested if the recommendations are implemented.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TITLE PAGECertificationDedicationAcknowledgementTable of ContentList of TablesABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the study1.2 Statement of the problem1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Scope of the study1.7 Limitation of the studyCHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1 Conceptual Framework2.2 Theoretical Framework2.3 Empirical  FrameworkCHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Design3.3 Population of the study3.4 ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYBefore the study of psychology perception has been in existence.  We study perception to be able to explain our observation of the world around us.  We cannot understand the human perception of the world unless we also understand something about the world as a set of physical structure.  No amount of physical energies nor physiological structure can teach us perception.  The study of perception is primarily psychological.  The main aim of psychology was to explain ... Continue reading---