• Employer's Perception Of The Hnd Secretarial Graduates In Selected Companies

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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      Before the study of psychology perception has been in existence.  We study perception to be able to explain our observation of the world around us.  We cannot understand the human perception of the world unless we also understand something about the world as a set of physical structure.  No amount of physical energies nor physiological structure can teach us perception.  The study of perception is primarily psychological.  The main aim of psychology was to explain all the possible thought of ideas we have by their origin in the past and present sensory experience.

      Perception begins with recognition and this process of recognition is a large part of perception.  Technically, a percept is a set of sensations plus the images that the sensory inputs evokes.

      It is very important in the study of organizational behavour, the managers perception of his workers, determines the type of motivation and method of communication that will exist in the organization.

      Primarily, perception is a visual process which indeed we say that we “see” something, what we actually mean is that we perceive or understand it.  As a result of this, employers’ perception of the HND secretarial graduates is indeed the way they see or understand them.

      Selection of HND secretarial graduate is vested in the hand of employers / executives in most organizations.  The HND secretarial graduates are always subjected to testing, interviewing and other forms of evaluation for purposes of employment or promotion.  Sometimes, those who evaluate them have never been secretaries and do not have adequate knowledge of the dept and breadth of secretarial training.  These employers use wrong tools in measuring the effectiveness and capabilities of then secretaries and do not know the valid test which will act as an accurate predictor of an effective performance.

      Most employers look at HND secretarial graduates as skilled shorthand typist and therefore, design the criteria for their evaluation from that point of view. For example research studies show that in majority of cases of recruitment, speeds in shorthand and typewriting are the only criteria.  To them a HND Secretarial graduate does not perform any other function other than taking down dictations in shorthand and transcribing them on the typewriter.  The employers are consistent in the use of these criteria even when it is obvious that the secretary in guestion is not going to be involved in shorthand or much typing.  Even when the needs for typing and writing shorthand are important, these two skills are not enough to determine the employability of a HND Secretarial graduate.  A Higher National Diploma secretarial graduate does a lot of other office functions than taking dictations and transcribing on the typewriter.

      The HND secretarial graduates help the employers by performing her duties most efficiently carry out some of his duties such as planning, execution treating office matters, receiving every manner of visitors etc.  they are able to work independent of their boss so as to build their mage.  They carry out functions which are not derided to her either by reference or inference but which are needed to be done.

      The HDN Secretarial graduates are people that type office

      Correspondence, file confidential and general documents attends to meetings, take down minutes and type them out, make appointments for their bosses and remind them of the appointments.  Consequently, they are the executives who manage the most important information.  They are the expansion of the employers time because their roles get them to do more than they accomplish in a day.

      HND secretarial graduates in the companies made works easy, they are very important such that, it employers are to continue to succeed, they must see the HND secretarial graduates as they see those in other professions, so that HND secretarial graduates will stop roming about the street.


      Employers are the people that give work or use the services of other people.  The way the reward, understand and treat HND secretarial graduates is not given joy to them.  The government functionaries, businessmen, employers and the general public are all very critical of HND Secretarial graduates.  (personal interview).  The bad attitude ranges from wrong evaluation of performance by employers, not short listing the HND holders for job and subordinating HND Holders to unfriendly attitude of employers in selection for employment.  Is it that the HND Secretarial graduates are not holding the same certificate with others like accountancy, marketing etc.  why are they left to be roming about the street? Even in the recent recruitment done by the state civil service commission, the HND Holders were not short listed let alone calling them for interview.  Why are they always been left unemployed?

      Naturally, the spirit of the polytechnic undergraduates are hurt and it downed on them that their struggles and suffering would be in vain.  Most employers do not put their HND Secretarial graduates in a prime position as they are supposed to be.  Why are they always placed at the subordinate position? How do these employers of labour see graduates of secretarial studies? Hence, the need for this study, to find out how employers of labour perceive this category of graduates.


      The purpose of the study

      1. To find out how employers of labour perceive the HND secretarial graduates.

      2. To find out the effects of these treatment by employers of labour on HND secretarial graduates

      3. To identify other employers unfriendly attitude towards graduates of secretarial studies.


      The significance of this study is to serve as a counseling guide and to correct the wrong impression and misconception employers have about the HND Secretarial graduates.

      It is also to encourage those in the profession that not matter what people say about the profession, they should not feel discouraged.

      This study will also serve as a literature review to other researchers that may wish to write on this topic or something related to it.


      1. How do employers of labour perceive that HND secretarial graduates?

      2. What are the effect of these treatment by employers of labour on HND secretarial graduates?

      3. What are the other unfriendly attitudes of employers towards HND secretarial graduates.


      The study will find out how employers of labour perceive the HND secretarial graduates. The study will also  find out the effects of these treatment by employers of labour on HND secretarial graduates. Lastly, the study will identify other employers unfriendly attitude towards graduates of secretarial studies.


      Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Employers perception of the HND Secretarial graduates in the selected companies as titled this research work has through the introduction expressed the statement of problems eg, why are HND Secretarial graduates left to be roaming about the street.  Why are HND holders always been left employed? Why are they always placed at the subordinate position etc and purposely find out how employers of labour perceive the HND secretarial graduates : to find out the effects of these treatment by employers ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TITLE PAGECertificationDedicationAcknowledgementTable of ContentList of TablesABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the study1.2 Statement of the problem1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Scope of the study1.7 Limitation of the studyCHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1 Conceptual Framework2.2 Theoretical Framework2.3 Empirical  FrameworkCHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Design3.3 Population of the study3.4 ... Continue reading---