• Identifying The Consequences Of Inefficient Filing System In An Organisation

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    • The act of filing was seen in the Roman Empire when records were stung on threads.  This was how the modern term “File” was derived from a latin word for thread , which is orderly arrangement of records that gave rise to the basic methods of filing (alghabetic, subject, chronological and geographical) that are found in existence today. With this also came the procedures of filing, which includes inspecting, coding, cross-referencing, sorting, and sorting. This enable the proper storage of records in a manner that allows for easy and speedy retrieval when needed.
                    Very few business ownership existed within this period and tread secrets within their heads and few legal documents. The emergency of various business ownerships and the increasing size and scope of operations have made people to be very much aware of happenings. Johson and kallaus (1974) had it that decades back when the early man really had no need for much records still. But recently, many organizations have grown in size and complexity to the extent that they are industrially revolutionized.  In order to catch up with the ever-growing scientific business environment, organizations have towed a new path towards the development of machines and instruments to replace or enhence human manual dextenity.
                  So the modern office is undergoing some technological changes to meet the increased need for information storage.  Over the years, a gradual technological development have been recorded in the area of filing system with a variety of office equipment introduced.  With the application of this advancement to office, filing system answers to inquires can easily and quickly be given by more keying in some codes or commands to tract the required storage location to retrieve information stored there.
                  Human judgment is still required to direct the entire operation and put them into proper use.  In agreement, Denyer (1986) has to say that it is not the equipment in use that determines a good result in filing system, rather the personnel who apply the system should be able to use them in a beneficial way to achieve maximum efficiency.  Hence, for the achievement of higher productivity in office operations at a lower cost, there is the need the presence of adequate and capable records, personnel to ensure that they are not properly used.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The aim of this project is to find out the consequences to inefficient filing system in private business organizations.  A case study of selected organization in Enugu.            The research work looked into the problem statement, which in essence was the previous and present problems of filing system and how the study is being carried out.  The objective of the study was to identify the consequences of inefficient filing system of these selected organizations.           ... Continue reading---