• Identifying The Consequences Of Inefficient Filing System In An Organisation

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.2              STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
      In most organization, the issue of good and efficient filing system has
      posed a lot of problems and challenges to them conferences, seminars, and workshops may have been organized in the past and recent times to enhance an efficient and accurate filing system, but more or less, it has not achieved completely the aims and objectives. No wonder whitehead (1975) stated that “the essence to having files in the office is to keep related documents together so that information contained in them can be produced with minimum delay”.
                  Consequently, now as then, the problems of finance, delay in filing, untrained personnel in the registry, lacks of motivations, no established  procedure, and especially poor  knowledge in the use of modern electronic equipment and many more have not eradicated the ugly and tasking problems in filing system hence this project
      1.3              Objectives of the study
      Based on the above problems this work is therefore desiged to do the following:
      (a)                Identify the current system of filing in selected organization.
      (b)               Identify the problems of these methods
      (c)                Identify the consequences of inefficient filing.
      (d)               Identify the advantages of a good filing system.
      1.4              Scope of the study
      The study was carried out in using the filing department of the following
      1.                  Projects Development institute (PRODA).
      2.                  Federal Training Centre (F.T.C.)
      3.                  Industrial Training Fund (I.T.F.).
      4.                  Aniuzo International Ltd.
      5.                  Standard organization.
      Senior officers of this organizations were used for the study.  
      1.5              Research Questions:
      (a)                What are the methods used in the current filing system in selected organization?
      (b)               What are the problems militating against those methods in the current filing system in selected organization?
      (c)                What are the consequences of inefficient filing system?
      (d)               How can effective and efficient filing system help management in day-to-day administrative process?
      1.6              Significant of the Study
      This study will be of tremendous importance to different business
      organizations in Nigeria specially these organizations used for the study, to impart desired skills on their staff as regards to filing system.
                  It will also be beneficial to the Federal government of Nation Nigeria to make healthy policies for the importation of modern equipment in filing system or for record keeping.
                  Similarly, the study will be very handy to different financial institutions to  appreciate the maximal use of modern equipment for increased up-dating of filing system.
                  Finally, the study will be useful to anyone in the field of business management to the importance of filing system.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The aim of this project is to find out the consequences to inefficient filing system in private business organizations.  A case study of selected organization in Enugu.            The research work looked into the problem statement, which in essence was the previous and present problems of filing system and how the study is being carried out.  The objective of the study was to identify the consequences of inefficient filing system of these selected organizations.           ... Continue reading---