• A Study Of The Factors Affecting Secretaries Productivity In Selected Modern Business Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                  Hornby 1984, stated that the word “secretary” is derived from a latin word “secretaries” meaning something known only to one or few and kept secret or hidden from the views of things.
                  Amaefula 1986 stated that a secretary is the office worker who combine the major skills of shorthand and typewriting with other competence of filling, reprography and telephone technique in the performance of her duties.
                  Hanna, pophan and tilton 1974 a secretary is an executive assistant who possesses a mastery of office skills without direct supervision, exercise initiative and judgement and makes decision within the scope of assigned authority.  He also stated that considering the position of the secretary in business organizations every effort should be made to tackle the problems facing her to ensure increased productivity.
                  A secretary may be regarded as an employee in an office who deals with correspondence, keeps records, makes arrangement and appointment for a particular member of staff or the boss.  Seguel to the definition above one can see that the profession is a noble one and that the secretary plays a toemendous role in an organization.  The issue of in efficient performance of secretaries has in recent years been a matter o fgreat concern to modern business organizations.
                  Riggs 1981 stated, it productivity is the quality that indicates how well labour, capital, material and energy are utilized it is the output resulting from a given resources – input at a given time. It is the concept that guides the management of a production system and then measure its success.  Mcbeth 91974) added that it is the measure of production efficiency, a ratio between input and output, input is frequently limited to input of labour.
                  Low productivity when applied to secretarial in selected modern business organizations measure in the degree of quantitative and qualitative inadequacies in the output of workers.  It can be been as inadequate production.  According to Riggs (1981), low productivity is the way by which productivity can fall short of the high standards that are less than perfect in the working situation are not identified, the result is low productivity.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is an investigation into the problems affecting secretarys product with the some selected business organization.            In pursuance of this investigation, four research objectives were used.  The researcher utilized survey method.  The data were gathered mainly though questionnaire.  Thirty (30) copies of questionnaire were given to six organizations and the number returned was twenty 920) duly comoleted.  The data generated were then presented, analysed and int ... Continue reading---