• A Study Of The Factors Affecting Secretaries Productivity In Selected Modern Business Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • In view of the above facts, one may quinines ask, why is the secretary characterized by low productivity? Agbese (1987) pointed out that the low productivity rate compled with sub-standard quality of secretaries job is a constant source of anxiety to government and their bodies which utilize them.  He emphasized more that need therefore, for high productivity level in any organizational set up whether private or public cannot be over emphasized since high productive potential in both the organizational man power utilization and output levels help to cpe with exigieuces according to him, the center of any organization is the office which is managed by the secretary who plans, budget, organizes, controls, supervises bodinates to achieve efficiency.
                  A well motivated, trained and remunerated secretary is capable of achieving her productivity through experince acquired on the knowledge of technological advancement (Edum & Ajetunbok 86).
                  This research is therefore intended to find out the problems responsible for low productivity of secretaries in selected modern business organizations, and suggest ways of improving secretaries productivity.
      1.2              STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
      Secretaries in modern business organizations especially the qualified ones do their jobs with the aim of producing a good work with adequate speed and accuracy. But some secretaries failed to avail themselves of the opportunities given to them.  This has created a gap between most executives and their secretaries.  Most of the secretaries complain that frige benefits, inadequate modern machines, environmental factor, lack of training and Door relationship with others affect the productivity of secretary.  The inability of employers in modern business organizations to remunerate and motivate their secretaries accurately in line with exportations of the present changing work environments in another pain or problem.  This has led to low morale, poor standard of living, lateness and absenteeism on the part of the secretary.    1.3       OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
                  the following are the objective of this study:
      1.                  To determine the problems affecting secretaries productivity in some secreted business organizations.
      2.                  To examine the types of equipment use by secretaries
      3.                  to identity whether or not secretaries have the required skills
      4.                  to determine the specific duties of secretaries

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is an investigation into the problems affecting secretarys product with the some selected business organization.            In pursuance of this investigation, four research objectives were used.  The researcher utilized survey method.  The data were gathered mainly though questionnaire.  Thirty (30) copies of questionnaire were given to six organizations and the number returned was twenty 920) duly comoleted.  The data generated were then presented, analysed and int ... Continue reading---