• A Study Of The Factors Affecting Secretaries Productivity In Selected Modern Business Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                  The study will benefit the secretaries in modern business organization in Enugu metropolis, managers, lecturers and students as it will take care of the factors problems that lead to low productivity.
      It will also widen and increase the knowledge of the researcher and act as a source of reference material to those intending members of secretarial studies.
      1.5              RESEARCH QUESTION
      This study will answered the following research questions:
      1.                  What are the problems affecting secretaries productivity in moder business organization?
      2.                  Do the secretaries have the required skills to perform their functions?
      3.                  What are the functions of secretary in business organization?
      4.                  what are the office equipments needed by secretaries in an organization?
      1.6              SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      The study is meant to cover only the secretaries in first Bank Plc, Union Bank:  Agric Bank, ACB Transport, Anammco Nigerian Ltd, Department of petroleum Resource (DPR) all in Enugu state.
      The study will therefore be based on the data and facts collected from the secretaries in the above listed business organizations.
      1.7              DEFINITION OF TERMS
      In the context of this research the following words have these meanings.
      1.                  Secretary :- employee in the office who deals with correspondence, keed records, makes arrangement of a particular member of staff.
      2.                  Office -     A place where the administrative work are done.
      3.                  modern – something currently in use i.e latest one
      4.                  productivity – This is the ratio between out put and all the resources used in production.
      5.                  problem – Facts or circumstance that aids one to bring about a result
      6.                  boss / manager – One who controls a business and gives order to workers.
      7.                  input – Refers to all the resources used in production
      8.                  output – the product tealized out of the utlication of input
      9.                  technology – systematical application of knowledge to practical task in industry.
      10.              sophisticated
      11.              metropolis – larse improtemt city coften the capital city of a country or region
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is an investigation into the problems affecting secretarys product with the some selected business organization.            In pursuance of this investigation, four research objectives were used.  The researcher utilized survey method.  The data were gathered mainly though questionnaire.  Thirty (30) copies of questionnaire were given to six organizations and the number returned was twenty 920) duly comoleted.  The data generated were then presented, analysed and int ... Continue reading---