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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]  Job design as suggested by Taylor is one of the most important components of scientific management. In its basic format, it assures that jobs should be simplified standardized and specialized for each components of the required work. In general organizations operations aisled this basic job design format by breaking each job down into very small but workable units standardizing the necessary procedures for performing the units, and teaching and motivating workers to perform their job under conditions of high efficiency.            Therefore, the importance of designing jobs and s ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]The secretary position varies widely depending on the size of the organization the number of workers employed, the nature of the business as well as personal qualities. Today the secretary’s job has also been hanged due to computerization their job became more challenging than ever because of the current technological design. A research on job design will not be complete without making mention of motivation. Motivation is a way of stimulating people into action.            Therefore, the redesigning of a secretary job will not only focus on the key job charact ... Continue Reading