• A Study Of The Role And Performance Effectiveness Ofprofessional Secretaries In Selected Government Metropolis

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • However, the main reason for this research is to clearly examine and determine those vital effectiveness that secretaries under toot  to ensure continued professional growth witnessed through the efficiency of their continued service to mankind. The excellent performance of secretaries in their fields. Are most needed now that Nigeria has gone computerized like the European countries.
      Companies and Ministries require the services of competent personnel like the secretaries to help them achieve their organizational goals. As a result the image of  secretaries is coming to receive a great credit in this are and has helped the Nigerian youth to pick interest in secretarial course which labour market. The efficiency and proficiency of these secretaries depend extensively on the quality of grooming they received from their various schools and instillation of higher leaning
      1.2            STAEMENT OF PROBLEM  
      Since our institution of higher learning are determined towards producing  adequate manpower capable of undert5aking secretarial jobs in today’s ministering these secretaries  who make organization objective releasable must have to carry out some personal activities meant for and therefore  result in the perfection of their performance .
      The problem now is what impede the professional growth of the secretarial profession are yet know.
      1.3            PUROSE OF THE STUDY  
      The main purposes of this study are:
      1        To find out the type of professional growth activities that secretaries engage in to improve their professional effectiveness and efficiency.
      2.       To find out how often these secretaries engage in such activities.  
      3.                 To find out who organization and finances these activities.
      4.                 Determine whether these secretaries within the vicinity of the study are satisfied with the professional growth activities which they had at one time or the other engaged.
      5.                 Determine alternative suggestions about appropriate development of these secretaries.
      1.4            SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY  
      The result of the study will help to expose the secretaries and to the type of performance that they would engage in for their professional development. It will be of great help to selected government parastatal particularly in Enugu Metropolis to determine the type of professional development activities they would engage their secretaries in.
      Finally it will help carry out research studies on related topics.  

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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