• The Role Of A Secretary In Office Administration And Management

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.0                   INTRODUCTION
      Generally, the office no doubt makes an important contribution to economic and social life of any nation or society.  Hence any complex industrial society would rapidly come to a stand still if the office is not there. This efficient organization must provide its management with efficient and sufficient information, planning control and financial services.  
      It is limit to expenditure on administrative services. If every one were engaged in office work there would be imbalances between productive activities and administration. The correct balance must be struck between the resources devoted to directly to productive activities so as to sustain rapid economic development of that nation.
      Little Mill Standing ford and Appleby (1986) remarked that administration is that part of the management process concerned with the institution and carrying out of procedures by which the programme is held down and communicated the progress of activities is regulated and checked against target and plans.
      Essentially the purpose of the office is to provide services of communication and records. This can be amplified under five headings as follows receiving information recording information giving information arranging information and safeguarding of asset.
      Office can make only these vital contributions if there is both efficient office services by general management and department manager. (that is the production manager, the marketing manager the secretary and others).
      Today the office is becoming such a complex place and more demanding that the executive finds it difficult to cope with the task. In other words she needs someone that would help her accomplish her tasks hence the need for a secretary. On the whole a secretary today is part and parcel of the executive and so is very indispensable. She is the person who assists the executive by displaying an export skill (imitative tact judgment and others) in performing her office function without close supervision by the executive. Thus she should posses the ability to relieve the executive of designated administrative detail when the need arises.
      The role of a secretary in office administration and management to a large extent depends on the type of office she work in the post occupied by the boss and her qualification (s). The secretary deals with the boss staff visitors and all paper works.
      This study is therefore an attempt to identify and analyze the role of a secretary in office administration management using ministry of finance, Enugu state as the reference point.         

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This topic is the role of management with particular reference to the ministry of finance, Enugu. To carry out this study effectively. Five research questions were formulated. Due to the descriptive survey nature of this work both primary and secondary sources of data collection used. Data were got from the eighteen (18) senior and forty-two (42) junior secretaries that were selected from seven departments of the ministry used for the data collected the students cluster mean statistical tools we ... Continue reading---